Minutes of the April 23rd meeting of

The 19th Ward Community Association Schools Committee

Attendees: John Boutet, John Laing, Deb Leary, Dan Ross, Jay Ross, Sarah Yowarski

Approval of Minutes from March Meeting


Spelling Bee

The notes that Cameron Cummings of the fraternity pulled together were shared. It will provide a template for starting earlier next year. If you have ideas for a co-chair (with a fraternity brother) for next year’s spelling bee let John L know. The brothers are willing to start in September and would be willing to go to the schools to promote the spelling bee. Dan agreed to look for a set of spelling words consistent with the common core.

Vision Quest

John B reported on the meeting the Vision Quest proponents had with Superintendent Vargas. The article in the paper was accurate, in that the proposal needs more details in order to be viable for the district. We had a similar set of concerns. We agreed to have representatives of Vision Quest come to our next meeting to discuss their proposal as it conflicts with our vision for school 16 as a neighborhood school.

School 16 renovation

Tom Richards has not responded to our request for a meeting. However I asked Superintendent Vargas about the role of that committee. His response convinced me that it was not necessary to meet with Tom Richards. John L told of a family who moved to Colgate St so school 16 would be a short walk for their son. I will try to contact the parents to be involved on the committee. John L brought up the proposal to survey the parents of children in local day cares. We should be prepared to organize events to provide community feedback on the designs for the schools in the FMP.

New Business


Minutes submitted by John Laing

Next Meeting Tuesday, May 6th at 7 pm in the 19th ward association office.

Views: 29

SW Merchants

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