Minutes of the April 8th, 2015 meeting of
The 19th Ward Community Association Schools Committee
Attendees: Mary Adams, John Boutet, John Laing, Dan Ross, Beverly Usher, Sarah Yaworski
Guests: Diane Watkins, Tate Richards, Ted Burke
Approval of March minutes
Spelling Bee update
Tate and Ted reviewed the activities scheduled for the 18th. The bus will leave school 19 at 10 am, and will only transport students. At 10:30 the fraternity brothers will take the kids to the gym for some play, then to the fraternity house for lunch (three shifts). They will get the students to Hubbell Auditorium in Hutchinson Hall for the Spelling Bee itself at 1:00. The award ceremony will follow the competitions at approximately 4:30. Punch and cookies will be available at 5.
The following day the fraternity brothers will be working on the mural on the Chabad House (Brooks and Genesee) and would like to have the opportunity to ask the students if they would like to participate. It was suggested that they bring flyers or a poster to Hutchinson Hall and it can be available for showing the students. Also we should use that opportunity to solicit input on what people would like to see in the renovated school 16.
Schools 16 and 44 status/activities
Mary had sent a Powerpoint presentation from RCSD administration describing a feasibility study of the school 44 issue (see attachment). Our preference is to have 44 remain open, at least until school 16 returns, but did not feel that we could support the school 16 in school 44 building proposal this year, as it would potentially be disruptive. We felt that there needs to be kindergarten at school 44 this coming fall. The topic will be discussed at the school board meeting April 9th.
There has been little activity on the building renovation plan. We need to solicit input from people as to what they would like to see at school 16. A start on this occurred at the school 16 project fair but we can use the spelling bee and delegates council for more input. We will solicit input from the parents living in the school 16 cachement area through Willie Robinson.
New Business
Mary proposed that we schedule a talk with Adele Bovard and Barb Goldammer concerning the best ways to create a neighborhood school.
Next Meeting Wednesday, May 13th at 7 pm in the 19th Ward Association Office.
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