Minutes of the August 13th meeting of
The 19th Ward Community Association Schools Committee
Attendees: Mary Adams, John Boutet, John Laing, Sarah Yaworski
Guests: Mary Dan Cooper, LaShay Harris, Diane Watkins
Issue of disruptive Students from Charter School
The 19thWCA office received a message concerning bad behavior by students at the charter school on Brooks, and a lack of response from the school administrator. LaShay took the action item to follow-up with the resident and the school if necessary.
School 16 renovation
At a recent RCSD meeting, John Boutet was approached by Superintendant Vargas. He asked us to set up a meeting with him on the renovation plan for School 16. The FMP has passed the legislature but has not been signed by the governor so the start time for the project is not imminent but we should be prepared to provide community input. I have contacted the superintendent’s office and we are working to schedule an evening meeting. I will let you know as soon as it is scheduled. Our set of requirements for the renovated building were flexed off the survey that was conducted and are listed below:
We also discussed whether or not to include Vision Quest in the discussion with Vargas. Although the team developing Vision Quest is enthusiastic and hard working, members raised concern on the selection process for students and the management processes associated with a teacher/parent/community member committees. We are assuming that the first meeting will be about the process to be followed to provide community input. If it is to discuss specifics on the building condition and plan, then Tom Keysa should be involved.
Minutes submitted by John Laing
Next Meeting Wednesday, September 10th at 7 pm in the 19th ward association office.
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19th Ward Community Association
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To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
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Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
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John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
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LaShay D. Harris, South District
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