School 16_Community Mtg 081512.pdf
SWCC Education Community Meeting
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
SW Community Center
275 Dr. Samuel McCree Way
Focus: School #16
In Attendance: Mary Adams (19WCA Resident, School Board Member), Nancy Ares (19WCA Resident, UR Warner School), John Boutet (19WCA Resident, SWCC Communications Committee Co-Chair, Location19 Administrator), Marian Boutet (19WCA Resident, Location19 Administrator), Eleanor Coleman (SWAN Staff, SWCC Communications Committee Co-Chair), Brenda Driscoll (19WCA Resident, School #16 Teacher), Linda Dunsmoore (RCSD Communications), Jackie Farrell (19WCA Resident, Westside Farmers Market), DeWain Feller (Resident, 19WCA President), Esther Karlar, Kathy King (School #16 Volunteer), John Lightfoot (Changing of the Scenes Neighborhood President, COTS Resident,), Bill Nichthauser (19WCA Resident, School #19 Volunteer), Dawn Noto (Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Assn President, Chair for SW Common Council), Betsy Romson (19WCA Resident), Chojy Schroeder (19WCA Resident), James Swank (Location19), Diane Watkins (19WCA Resident, 19WCA 2nd VP, RCSD Teacher), E.J. Watkins, (19WCA Resident), Deb Wight (19WCA Resident)
Resolution language amended by Mary Adams & Malik Evans says school will reopen after renovations. Concern expressed that this language leaves room for not opening should the renovations not take place. Important that we make it very clear to the Facilities Modernization Project (FMP) committee that we want a neighborhood school.
Diane has sent a letter to Candace Lucas, as the parent representative to FMP, making it clear that we want her to solicit and include our input. It was also noted that she has missed at least two of the meetings since being appointed to that committee and Diane asked that, if she is not able to honor this commitment that she select another representative who can sit in for her when she can not attend.
Principal Laniak’s Vision for School #16
Dunsmoore – City of Rochester actually owns the building.
I want to see ________________ at School #16:
What do Principal & Community agree on:
D. Feller: Needs to be some responsibility attributed to parents and students, especially when dealing with dysfunctional families, not just school staff.
M. Meath, K. King, N. Ares, EJ Watkins: Would like to stop using the word “dysfunctional.” All families have challenges, as does the school system. Labeling them as dysfunctional is not helpful. Many families are working with fewer resources.
J. Swank has information on how other counties have used technology base to enhance educational model.
B. Nichthauser: Do families have the technology resources needed to communicate with the school.
M. Adams: Have youth be part of developing the curriculum and the survey that drives how the school looks and what it offers.
C. Schroeder: Enlist UR to co-sponsor the school. Need to be addressing green issues and sustainable living issues.
J. Lightfoot: Youth need enrichment. Participate in parades to market school pride and showcase their talents. Promote competition.
E. Coleman: Not supportive of competition models. Would like to see collaborative education models. Project-based learning that builds on student strengths and fosters collaborative learning. We have enough energy around “class” (levels of importance, wealth, etc) and a focus on weakness and differences; would like to see a focus on strengths and what we have in common.
D. Wight: Use AND instead of either/or = Pride from healthy competition AND collaborative learning.
K-8 Model
M. Adams: Don’t assume that the school will return to a K-8 model; this needs to be on the table.
D. Noto: If you don’t make it flexible for K-8, it will incur costs down the road when RCSD pushes to include 7th and 8th grade again.
M. Laniek: Community pool is a high need; youth should learn how to swim at a young age (for pleasure AND for safety).
E. Coleman: SW community is at a deficit in regards indoor swimming opportunities for youth and families. More pools also provide more youth jobs (lifeguards).
B. Nichthauser: NPR/1370, Tell Me More: Documentary: The Curatives of Dixon School; Michael Martin interviews Pamela Sherrodd Anderson.
Correction: the tour is the 28th, NOT the 21st as I previously reported.
It was mentioned at the 8/15 meeting that there would be an Open House and School Tour for School 16 at the Freddie Thomas building. The tour is Tuesday, August 28th 2012.
The schedule:
10am to noon
10-10:30am – School Tours
10:30– 11am – Meet & Greet and Informational session
11- 11:30am – Special session for 7&8 grade
5pm to 7pm
5-5:30pm – School Tours
5:30– 6pm – Meet & Greet and Informational session
6- 7pm – Special session for 7&8 grade
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Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
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Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
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