Minutes of the AQE/Metro Justice Education Committee

 Friday, July 25th 5pm

Attendance: Jim Bearden, Marian Boutet, John Boutet, Carla Carey, Sue De Fabbia, Colin O'Malley Candace Rubin, Lyn Neiz, Eamonn Scanlon, Rosemary Rivera, Ernesta Walker, Diane Watkins, Glenny Williams,


1.     Opening

After introductions and identifying desired meeting outcomes, Eamonn agreed to facilitate and Jim agreed to take notes.

2.     Attack on teacher tenure

Rosemary and Colin described the legal and political attack on teacher tenure by former CNN news personality, Campbell Brown, and her organization, Partnership for Educational Justice. After some discussion, the committee decided to respond to the filing of the lawsuit, expected next week. Rosemary will write the news release.

3.     Report on current activities

  1. Canvass results from July 11th – nine people, including three students from Teen Empowerment, went out canvassing and returned with 28 signed campaign cards. Nine cards indicated interest in joining the committee, nine indicated they had suspension stories to tell and five indicated a willingness to attend school board and public meetings for the campaign.
  2. Rosemary reported on the meeting that she and Jennifer Banister had with Superintendent Vargas. Jennifer's notes from that meeting were circulated earlier by email [Notes from meeting with Rosemary Rivera, Supt. Bolgen Vargas & Jennifer Banister    July 7, 2014] Key events in the Superintendent's timeline are:                             i.     July & August canvassing with campaign cards by AQE/MJ Educ. Comm.

           ii.     Task Force to change the code of conduct of RCSD will convene in August

           iii.     Data report on suspensions in RCSD will be presented in September

           iv.     Rally, community event, door knocking, etc. all Fall

            v.     1st draft of code of conduct revisions, December 15th

           vi.     Final draft of code of conduct revisions, February 1st

          vii.     Implementation of changes in spring, summer and fall of 2015

  3. Hand Rubin at the Rochester Area Community Foundation informed us that Superintendent Vargas has retained the services of consultant Dan Roller "to facilitate collaboration of the District with our efforts on School Code & Climate work."
  4. Eamonn reported on the progress, or lack thereof, in getting detailed data there is a meeting, organized by Dan Roller, on data Thursday, July 31st. Eamonn, Jim & Rosemary will attend.
  5. We can put two members on the Task Force led by the Rochester Area Community Foundation.

4.     Next steps? Assignments agreed

  1. Carla, Sue, Eamonn, and Jim agreed to contact those who volunteered to tell suspension stories and make arrangements to record and transcribe the stories. Rosemary will send a suspension story form.
  2. The other card signers will be invited to come to meetings and activities.
  3. We can try to collect suspension stories by contacting summer school teachers and asking about having students write such stories. Diane will send Jim contact information.
  4. We will take the campaign cards to some or all of these events.

            i.     Clarissa Street festival Aug. 16th

           ii.     National Night Out Aug. 5th

           iii.     West Side Farmers market (Jim will contact Jackie Farrell about this.)

  5. Rosemary and Diane will represent us on the Task Force to change the code of conduct of RCSD
  6. Next committee meeting:

 Friday, August 15, 2014

5:00 pm

Metro Justice (new office!)

803 West Ave. Suite 370

Rochester, NY

Views: 30

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