SWCC Education Community Meeting
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
SW Community Center
275 Dr. Samuel McCree Way
Focus: School #16
In Attendance: Mary Adams (19WCA Resident, School Board Member), Ricardo Adams (19WCA Resident), Sharlene Banks (School #16 Pre-K), John Boutet (19WCA Resident, SWCC Communications Committee Co-Chair, Location19 Administrator), Eleanor Coleman (SWAN Staff, SWCC Communications Committee Co-Chair), Brenda Driscoll (19WCA Resident, School #16 Teacher), Kathy King (School #16 Volunteer), Chojy Schroeder (19WCA Resident), Troy Townsend (School #16 Parent, 19WCA Resident), Diane Watkins (19WCA Resident, 19WCA 2nd VP, RCSD Teacher)
Pre-Meeting at 5 p.m. was to begin the work of creating a survey to determine what parents want and what students want.
No word on release of FMP (Facilities Modernization Plan); we only know that there are many options.
Concern: Still many parents and community members who do not have accurate information about the school.
Suggestion: Have youth, working with adults, distribute a flyer informing youth and families of School #16 status and the impact on the community.
Suggestion: See about Wilson H.S. PIG students being engaged to administer the survey. Would also appreciate input from students on the survey (needs to be sought out now prior to finalized version.)
How is the Freddie Thomas setting?
Pre-K Parents meet regularly on Thursdays 8:45–11:15 a.m. in the portables behind School #10 (Congress Ave).
School #16 @ Freddie Thomas has Open House Thursday, 9/27, 6 p.m.
School #10 Principal, Cameron Clybourne, has been very gracious and accommodating to help School #16 Pre-K fit into this temporary setting.
Current School #16 parent definitely wants a neighborhood school.
Pre-K would like to have Open House with Freddie Thomas where the rest of the families are, as opposed to School #10. Asking this group for help in keeping Pre-K and Freddie Thomas School #16 families connected. Both teacher and parent disappointed that Pre-K won’t be part of all the traditional School #16 events (science fair, assemblies, etc.).
Solution: RCSD Fatherhood Initiative is a way of providing necessary requested support; while general community is not always welcome in schools, fathers would be backed up by the Office of Parent Engagement.
Short Term: Use capital funds to make building habitable
Long Term: Use FMP Phase 2 funds to make it an exceptional school
Next Steps:
Get surveys done
Connect with different potential allies
Engage and support the School #16 Pre-K group
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