SouthWest Common Council
Thursday, 3/19/15, 6 p.m.
Host: Phillis Wheatley Library
In attendance:
Nolia Brooks PLEX - 79 Champlain
Eleanor Coleman ProsperRochester, Inc. - 224-5119
Mary Dan Cooper 19th Ward -
Carl Dickerson NSC/RPD –
Andy DiMaria RPD -
Elizabeth Doucette PLEX -
Dorian Hall PLEX –
Dorothy Hall PLEX –
Linda Hedden City of Rochester -
Jennifer Lenio SW Libraries - 428-8272
Colleen McCarthy UR -
Dawn Noto S SWCC Chair & Susan B. Anthony District -
Lynnette Robinson NeighborWorks -
RPD – Carl Dickerson
2 residents at new shelter on Litchfield got into a fight on W. Main; drunk; one got knocked out in guarded condition.
343 Tremont - victim 6 1/2; adult punched him in the face - lost 2 teeth
57 Superior St. - prostitute pestered someone to buy drugs, got beat up.
NSC Quadrant Report - Linda Hedden
1st round of applications for roof repair competed last Tuesday; new one in May, finishing in June; NSC office has the one-page applications (house-shaped box with slots for seniors and community-wide applicants); lottery system.
SouthWest community was well represented at the public strategic planning meeting - 5-yr plan. Positive feedback. Lots of suggestions given from community. Should see a plan electronically by mid-April; will probably be available via libraries.
Some concern around the survey responses which came from a list of business owners City Hall identified vs obtaining community input - most people at meeting had not been surveyed.
Not well publicized. Libraries do receive the postings and are a good central information point.
Concern around computerized methods of communication when so many of the residents don’t connect that way. Another reason for local Wi-Fi.
Concern that City Council approved the one-way road behind Staybridge, especially Dana Miller and Adam McFadden who are aware of the history.
Concern that CDBG funds were used on Labella vs engaging the community.
Consolidated plan has an 2015-2016 annual action plan component that should be handed in along with the 5-yr draft plan.
SW Libraries - Jennifer Lenio
Self-published Book Festival in Nov (Sat & Sun). Submission Deadline 6/1.
3/28, 11 a.m., Black Women Authors & Poets - local authors - spoken word and book fair.
ProsperRochester, Inc. - Eleanor Coleman
The 540 W. Main St. location is officially NOT The Seedfolk Store; now ProsperRochester; PR is now the fiduciary for Seedfolk City Farm, considered their first “incubated business.”
Kitchen rental hours available.
We are a SWEM food cupboard satellite for picking up food bags; call 235-4491 to see if you qualify.
Fidelis is on site every Friday from 3-5 p.m. to enroll in health care and do Medicaid recerts.
We have a Facebook page.
Cottage Street Block Club - Elizabeth Doucette
Getting community gardens ready that we’ll be participating in.
Working on a job training opportunity.
Currently setting up tutoring sites (Melissa).
PLEX – Dorothy Hall, Nolia Brooks, Dorian Hall
City talking about removing sidewalks, trees, and trails on the road behind hotel that leads to the pool; also looking to put in a one-way roundabout; none of this has been brought to a public community meeting. John DeMott and John Borek advocating for community input. Concern about baseball diamond being taken away. City planning an individual 3-hr walkthrough by DES vs a community meeting. Look on Ron Christensen’s website - new building proposed for RR track area and it looks like this activity is in preparation for that venture. State believes community has provided input. Steering Committee meetings were held at 12 noon.
“Meet the Funders” session at Staybridge yesterday went very well. Hoping information will bring back resources for the PLEX Park. Dorian brought in a rendering of the park and highlighted various parts of the design.
Spring Free Clothing Giveaway 4/18, 11-4 at Carlson Commons. Dorothy asking for donations.
PLEX got their 501c3.
Is Kennedy Towers in jeopardy (firehouse was in jeopardy due to contamination)? Appears that there is a “ridge” of concern that ends in the Kennedy Towers area which is why the firehouse had problems. Need to find out the status of Kennedy Towers.
CDBG funds must be accessed by the community or the City will use them as they wish.
Changing of the Scenes / NeighborWorks / FIS
FIS - In the process of evaluating FIS - what went well, what is the progress, what needs to be done.
Changing of the Scenes - what did we do? how are we building community? Need to focus on seniors
NeighborWorks Rochester - partnered with the City for the roofing grants; available resources and information that needs to get to the people.
Need to figure out a way to bring resources and services together; do what we can in our own area. It was noted that this is the purpose of the SW Common Council - one meeting place to discuss concerns that includes representatives from all the neighborhood groups and stakeholders. Quadrants were organized by the City. Linda noted that there is good opportunity in the SW to combine and connect the SW Quadrant with the SW Common Council.
There needs to be one mouthpiece. Quad is now a second mouthpiece. It was noted that both representatives Quad identified to represent neighborhood associations have stepped down. This would indicate that SW Common Council is the voice of the neighborhood associations.
Not enough communication between Quad and SW Common Council. Thought last month’s attendance at SW Common Council was a sign that they’d be here regularly.
City no longer sending reps to neighborhood meetings like before.
Quad meetings were set up by the City; they did not
Very disappointed in result of the grassroots fire hydrant project organized by various block clubs. Community members put in permits, obtained food, had fire hydrant map from fire department; supplies, shovels, etc. - very well prepared. City withdrew their support and event was canceled at the last minute. Very disturbing
UR - Colleen McCarthy
Colleen has been named the Director of the United Way campaign at UR; target is $1.4 million - just over $900,000 now.
Appears that the United Way’s participation in the poverty initiative is directly related to - how do we use the many resources.
19th Ward - Mary Dan Cooper
Build a Better Block - planning group meeting regularly planning for Arnett Blvd between Rugby and Wellington; think it will happen in April; nationwide initiative; idea is to have someone fill a vacant business
Spelling Bee with UR fraternities will be 4/18
Palm Sunday Breakfast, 3/29 Sunday at Presbyterian Home; GV Little League will be this year’s beneficiary; tickets are $7, $11, & 15.
Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood - Dawn Noto
Community Forum 4/18, 9-11 a.m. about how High Impact store policies impact Rochester neighborhoods.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eleanor Coleman
2 members
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29 members
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39 members
23 members
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40 members
These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.
19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp
WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM
WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership 88.5 FM
El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)
Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester
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