SouthWest Common Council
Thursday, 6/18/15, 6 p.m.
Host: Arnett Library
In attendance:
Jen Beideman FLHSA -
John Boutet LocationSW & SWCC Education-
Eleanor Coleman ProsperRochester, Inc. - 224-5119
Mary Dan Cooper 19th Ward -
Elizabeth Doucette Cottage Street Block Club -
Dorian Hall PLEX –
Dorothy Hall PLEX –
Donna Hodgins PLEX -
Jennifer Lenio SW Libraries - 428-8272
Bonny Mayer Corn Hill -
Colleen McCarthy UR -
Dawn Noto SWCC Chair & Susan B. Anthony District -
Norm Roberts SWAN - 436-8201
RPD - out walking the streets.
Dawn has minutes of the SW Quadrant meeting; not sure to whom they are made available. John will check with Donna Sarnacki who attends that meeting for 19th Ward.
SWCC Education Committee - John Boutet
Square Fair resulted in some volunteers who signed up to represent the various SW schools.
Superintendent will supply books for the Little Free Libraries; he encourages neighbors to set them up and they will continue to supply books throughout the summer.
Still awaiting information about School #16 renovation; City money was approved.
Mary Adams helped to pass a motion to keep School #44 open until School #16 is open.
Dave Culenot will not be purchasing Hunt’s; lack of support cited.
UR - Colleen McCarthy
UR security walked in the Suare Fair parade (as they did for National Night Out)
SW Libraries - Jennifer Lenio
Both libraries - Free Summer Learning Labs, 4 days a week for K-6; 2 hrs day with Certified Teachers.
Party to celebrate Library of the Year Award; next Friday, 5:30; all welcome.
Resource fair for teens and adults; barbecue; lots of fighting going on among youth in front of library; rumored gang activity.
All next week, Summer Solstice celebration; summer resolution activities; clothing collection for donations.
Free TASC classes in the Fall (3 days/wk for a couple of hours);
Corn Hill - Bonnie Mayer
Struggling with School #3. Intended to donation money and to host an ice cream social. Unable to locate anyone at the school to whom money can be delivered.
Corn Hill Arts Festival next month.
Saturday is the Community Blitz - 8:30 until; breakfast, lunch, door prizes; remove all of the tall grass in Corn Hill
Believe they've convinced FEMA that the Genesee River is not going to flood which has been resulting in very high insurance costs for residents.
Umbrellas, chairs and picnic tables will be out next week.
7/5, 2-3, Corn Hill Walking Tour with Robert Goodling and Jim DeVinney to talk about the history of the fair; believe it starts at Avery Mall.
PLEX - Dorian Hall, Dorothy Hall
Summer Lunch program starts July 1
Attended City Council meeting to ask that 743 So Plymouth Ave not be allowed to go from - low impact to high impact
Annual meeting 6/30 @ Carlson Commons, 6 p.m.
SWAN - Norm Roberts
Summer Lunch & Breakfast to be provided in conjunction with Summer Program
Swimming will be at the Madison site
July 9, first Foodlink Curbside Market at SWAN
19th Ward - Mary Dan Cooper
Square Fair was a success; thanked UR for their participation
Quilt hanging at Square Fair will be raffled off; past 19th Ward t-shirts
Co-sponsored a 2-day historical event using the movies Selma & Eyes of the Prize; very informative and fascinating presentation by Historian Jim Divinney from Corn Hill.
Eddie DiPonzio, local barber, was sled Grand Marshall of parade this year - oldest or 2nd oldest establishment ; video is about how he got started with barbering union
Were asked to support the Fight for $15 (minimum wage); division of opinion in regards to whether
Reunion picnic at GVP with Golf Tournament the next day; very successful - about 230 people
FLHSA - Jenn Beideman
Have successfully advocated with parents that a clause be added to the discipline policy so District can’t use recess as a way of punishing students
Summer Meals start 6/29 - Free Breakfast and Lunch for any child under the age of 18; many sites participating; 211 can provide details on where the sites are or go to
Jenn has new contact information as she was recently married.
Cottage Street Block Club - Elizabeth Doucette
We have a Little Free Library (23 Cottage St) focused on children; very popular
Legacy Garden is growing well
Also involved with the Community Store; supported the store - store wanted the ability to sell tobacco. Will only have it for one year.
Concern in community that drug dealers hang out in that area and that cigarettes may promote that. Cigars are what feed the drug dealers (tired of picking up the blunt wrappers).
High calls for service at this location; lots of garbage.
Jenn offered FLHSA support in making stores a healthier environment (collaborate with Foodlink to provide fresh fruits and vegetables). Funding includes an interior and exterior remodeling.
Setting up a garden at the location where the youth hangout to establish a rapport.
Need alternatives for youth. Eleanor brought up OACES technical training programs that also offer high school equivalency instruction; rolling enrollment.
Wages don’t go far enough; need to work with employers to provide adequate wages.
Library would like to offer more TASC opportunities; City funds the libraries; Central Library is closing on Sundays (County Funding). No library services in the City on Sundays. Lobby your Council people for more library services.
Meeting to discuss what is going to happen to the park between Staybridge and Elmwood - 6/23, 6 p.m. at the NSC Office. Important to let State Park Land know what it is we want - and don’t want. Appears to be limited to no community involvement connected to decisions being made about the park area.
ProsperRochester, Inc. - Eleanor Coleman
Kitchen rental hours available at $25/hr; reduced pricing for more than 4 hours or regular hours.
Car drove through the window at 540 W. Main; 4 young people involved who abandoned vehicle.
Met with a funder who presented the Detroit Soup program to us as a possibility for Rochester - community engagement through supporting entrepreneurship efforts; provide connection and resources to help people start their own business. Includes a competition (somewhat like Shark Tank, only much friendlier) and seed money that is awarded to a community vote on whose project is most likely to succeed.
Family Independent Initiative (FII) is under discussion with various leaders and funders. Anticipating that there will be national representatives coming to town to present to Rochester. Planning envisions two presentations: the first one would be for prospective/interested families who could speak with active FII family members; the second one would be for leaders and funders.
Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood - Dawn Noto
Juneteenth Festival - about 800 people. Very successful. Parade of children from local schools (about 80 children and families from Liberty Pole to SBA Park).
Cunningham Carriage received an award from NYS Preservation League; Dawn to nominate them for Design Center which has a Robert Macon Innovation Award.
Held 2nd monthly neighborhood meeting at Cunningham location.
Clean-up program every Saturday with youth (11 yr old and 21 yr old); youth are paid.
Westside Farmers Market
Open Tuesdays 4-7:30. Walk with the Doc starts at 5:30 (2 mile walk around the neighborhood; get a coupon to use at the market); music & other entertainment; minor bike repairs and tune ups.
Market supplements SNAP benefits to stretch food dollars.
Please “like” their FB page.
Respectfully Submitted,
Eleanor Coleman
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These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.
19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp
WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM
WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership 88.5 FM
El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)
Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester
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