19th Ward Schools Committee
7:00 p.m., July 6, 2021 by Zoom
Present by Zoom: John Boutet, Phyllis Moss, Jay and Dan Ross, Moniek Silas-Lee, Sarah Yaworsky, Clayton Waller, Lee Loomis, Douglas and Charlotte Giebel
John Boutet introduced our new chair, Phyllis Moss, whom everyone was happy to welcome.
~Phyllis expressed her hope that our committee could help to alleviate some of the losses incurred by the pandemic in the academic progress of many of our students. After hearing about the successful tutoring effort of the Society for Engineering which Lee Loomis has headed up at School 10 (and previously in 12 City Schools), Phyllis wondered if maybe incorporating in-person or online tutoring into the school days might be more helpful than setting up after-school programs.
~Moniek agreed that we should work with principals and the community support staff at each school to make the connections for using potential tutors in the most effective ways.
~Lee will send Phyllis the application form he uses to screen potential tutors. Concerns for student safety must be kept in mind.
~In advance of our August meeting, Phyllis plans to discuss tutoring plans with Lee and John.
~Phyllis gave us her contact information: phone: 585-451-1686; Email: drphyllismoss@icloud.com
~Although this committee affirms its continuing interest in both moving back to neighborhood schools and local busing, our present urgent mission is to provide tutoring to help make up the deficits caused by the pandemic.
~Moniek also gave the encouraging report that an association has been arranged between School 19 and the Hochstein School of Music and Dance to provide music and dance education for preschoolers.
~John is encouraging Phyllis to attend the Zoom Meeting of the Rochester Coalition for Public Education organized by Howard Maffucci and Dan Drmacich. This month the next one is from 4:00 - 5:30 pm on Friday, July 9. (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89437495922 Meeting ID: 894 3749 5922 )
The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Giebel
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