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Suggestions on how to cook ALL this healthy food might be good as many young mothers (who live in the area) tend to use pre-packaged foods for lack of cooking experience.  AND they do not know how to shop economically to feed their young ones.  You know sort of like the tastings that go on at Sam's but hand out recipe cards instead of directing them to the pre-packaged frozen food section.  Probably would have to research the Health Dept on this one.  Or just offer recipe cards using the foods you sell. The Westside Farmers Market on Genesee St. and fresh produce on S.Plymouth...............YAHHHHHHHH. 

Riziki is Swahili for provisions

Soko is Swahili for marketplace

Since it's going to be a classy market, let's find a classy name!

PLEX does have a large concentration of folks from Sudan

That is really an excellent idea! Not only would it teach and encourage fresh food preparation and consumption but also have the potential to be an excellent marketing tool that could bring people back to try new recipes and seasonal ingrediants. I also think there is a genuine correlation between quality food and quality of life. I may be off base in saying this, as i know there are a lot of vegetarians out there ;-) (not to worry we will have vegetables), but to me there is nothing like a nice beautiful cut of meat. It is always something I appreciate and look forward to enjoying. 

Plus there is a local printer in the area on Exchange St. who could possible handle the recipe cards!

I believe that "soko" would be more appropriate for something like the Westside Farmers Market. A local grocery shop is usually called a "duka" in Swahili. Also, Swahili is not really a Sudanese language. The official languages in the two Sudans are Arabic and English. The Swahili comes from the fact that most of the Sudanese in the US came through refugee camps in Kenya, where the official language is Swahili. So it's still a step closer to home for them.

Yeah I know the two languages are different, but I am kinda partial to Swahili as my sister  is learning the language and leaves for Tanzania on May 1.  So that's why I looked up the two words.  Was just doing a fyi for the Sudanese residents in the PLEX area. 

Having a Swahili name might fail to convey what it is to those of us that don't speak Swahili (unless there were subtitles). Also it might imply that it is a strictly ethnic market -- sort of like when I see a restaurant with a Chinese name I expect it to sell Chinese food.  

I just think Swahili as well as French are beautiful languages.  Just trying to think out of the box that's all.  Sort of like the Mise En Place Market in the South Wedge.  And what name would you suggest Barbara?  Ethnic markets sort of intrigue me as I like to experiment with foods/spices  I am not accustomed to.  Just thinking out loud I guess.............

Hey check out Todd's Dirt  There is no one distributing this GREAT spice here in this area.  Wegman's won't carry it as I asked.......  I spied this fantastic spice one year at Rib Fest and myself and a friend won't let the jars get empty before we re-order.  It's like Boss Sauce....................good on everything (eggs included) and especially fresh grilled corn!!!  Todd really 'does it dirty'!!  LOL he and I correspond frequently.

Yes!!! I got introduced to this by a friend in New Orleans --it's WONDERFUL!! And I haven't been able to find it up here.

Currently, you have to go on line to buy the DIRT  and a few of us co-op buy to share in the S & H costs. We do the same co-op buying for Blue Belle ice cream (from Texas) too.   

ok I need to find and try this stuff. 


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