19th Ward Schools Committee Meeting
7:00 pm, 7 February 2023
Present by Zoom: John Boutet, Jane Braband, Douglas Giebel, Lee Loomis, Phyllis Moss, Sarah Yaworsky.
1. Spelling Bee: Douglas reported four successful in-person practices had been conducted at the Arnett Library in the past month, with four to six students attending each time. The Sigma Phi Epsilon tutors have been doing a great job of coaching the students. A pair of seventh graders from the Wilson Academy have been there each week. The date for the Bee has been set for Saturday, April 8, with details of activities and location on the university campus yet to be determined. An app from Scripps for practicing the vocabulary for grades three to six has been distributed to the teachers involved at each school with the encouragement to provide their students to practice on their own using their electronic devices. An article describing the Spelling Bee progress has been published in the February issue of the 19th Ward newsletter, Update..
2. Report on School 10: Lee Loomis reported that in-person tutoring began today at School 10 with a team of four engineer volunteers doing one one tutoring with students in the school library with materials provided by the students’ teachers. Lee reported the students being tutored have a higher attendance reported on the days they are being tutored, evidence that the special individual attention is helpful in gaining their attention and improving their academic progress. Absenteeism has been an issue for School 10. A Chronic absentee is defined by missing more than nine days in a given semester, and currently 40% of the students at School 10 are in that category. School 10 is currently under receivership and the state requires absenteeism to be below 19%. Part of the challenge regarding absenteeism is the number of homeless families within the school’s population, making busing difficult to track. At least eight to ten families from School 10 are lacking a permanent residence, contributing to students being absent. Lee reported that the tutors from the Engineering Society are on a once a month rotation to give their employers reassurance their volunteer work will not compromise their job performance.
3. Commission on Racial & Structural Equality (RASE): John Boutet report on a recent meeting of RASE commission. Candace Lucas has been appointed to head up the commission. There have been efforts to reduce the importance given to high stakes testing, but it remains an important determinant for programs with Federal funding. John reported that other cities in the state, such as Buffalo, Syracuse, and Yonkers, have been successful in reducing the distance required from the school for busing to a half mile rather than the full mile currently required in Rochester.
4. Student Learning Conference: Lee Loomis announced a conference on student learning to be held at St. John Fisher Cleary Hall, this Saturday, February 11, from 9am to 1pm. Dr Rich Ryan is the keynote speaker addressing What Research Says Motivates Students to Engage & Learn, and Lee will be leading a breakout session.
5. Next meeting on March 7, 2023 at 7:00pm.
The meeting was adjourned around 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Giebel
Secretary pro tem
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