19WCA Schools Committee Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m., October 5, 2021 by Zoom
Present by Zoom:
Jane Braband, Melody Bishop (Site Coordinator School 19), John Boutet, Charlotte and Douglas Giebel, Phyllis Moss (Chair 19WCA Schools Committee), Jay and Dan Ross, Eva Thomas (Principal School 10), and Sarah Yaworsky
1. Volunteers
A great concern of the Schools Committee, led by Dr. Phyllis Moss, is for neighborhood help in our local schools with tutoring children who have fallen behind because of online learning or other reasons.
Volunteers must be approved by the Rochester City School District. We are assured that the process will be simple and completed quickly. You may visit https://www.rcsdk12.org/Page/28007 to access an application. Ricky Frazier (585-262-8489) will assist you.
Some Particular needs:
Walking School Bus Volunteers to assist walkers to and/or from School 10 and 17
Retired Reading teachers to help struggling readers at School 10.
Volunteer Classroom Aides at School 19.
2. Spelling Bee:
We have purchased an enrollment in the Scripps Spelling Bee for this school year. The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity brothers are again willing to help with tutoring—by Zoom at least initially. Let the Giebels know if you would like to help. Invite any children in Schools 10, 16, 19, or 29 to be involved. Each school will have a designated coordinator.
3. Busing:
We are still promoting Local Busing, which is a matter that must be dealt with in Albany. A relevant issue is the need for before-school childcare for parents who must get to work before the school day begins.
4. Encouraging School Staff
If would be wonderful if we all could show appreciation and support for the hard-working staff at all our schools. Can you think of ways to encourage them?
It would be helpful if you listed where these numbered schools are, so people would have a clue if they want to volunteer.
For readers who do not know where the schools mentioned in the minutes are, take a look at the 1.5 mile circle map.
2 members
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29 members
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38 members
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39 members
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