Minutes of the January 8th, 2019 meeting of
The 19th Ward Community Association Schools Committee
Attendees: John Laing, Jay Ross, Dan Ross, Moiet James, Brianna Dean, Sarah Yaworski, John Boutet, Zola Brown, Tara Wade (vice principal at Wilson Magnet Academy), Rodney Moore (principal at school 44), Douglas Giebel, Charlotte Giebel, Marcia Parkes
December minutes
Spelling Bee (April 8 at U of R)
Co-chairs Moiet James and Brianna Dean shared their progress.
No comments concerning the word lists were received from the school coordinators. The new logo was modified slightly. After some discussion it was decided to start the Saturday sessions at the Arnett library January 19. A discussion about schedule issues lead to a suggestion to make up a one page schedule highlighting the date of the Spelling Bee (April 6) and the dates for information from the schools (i.e. names of finalists and alternates). Dana Miller has agreed to emcee the Spelling Bee. Jake Wheeler is the lead for the fraternity. Dr Walter Cooper was suggested as a potential speaker.
Thoughts on Superintendent selection
We sent a note to all commissioners listing qualities and experiences that we felt the candidates should have. We discussed additions to the list such as: classroom experience with students from a diverse community, experience with a concentration of poverty (note that 92% of the students receive free or reduced lunch), and experience working with different levels of government. Dan will write a draft and the
note will be updated and sent to Michelle Phillips at the D&C.
Next steps on local busing
We have collected some signatures on the petition but we decided to expand the number of people to send the petition to from just Assemblyman Gantt and Senator Ranzenhofer. I was to modify the information on the petition and then we would send the form to principals and others to get signatures from the staff and parents. Also Zola was to look at setting up an online version.
School reports
44 - Rodney reported that there will be repairs to school 44 next year, starting with the roof and the gym floor. Tom Kaysa has toured the building with Rodney and assessed its condition. There will be a Panther Pride event in March. They are evaluating the efficacy of the extended day.
Wilson - Tara mentioned that they would be present at the Expo event this Saturday
16 - They are holding a college and health fair this Thursday January 10 from 9:30 to 11:00
RMAPI (Marcia Parkes)
Marcia provided information on a proposal to have a program at school 16 to build community through service learning. There are three components to the program – music, art and character building. The program could be funded through RMAPI. Funds will be provided to the project receiving the most votes. Votes can be place at the Arnett library on Saturday January 19 between 11 and 2. From January 7 to January 28, Monroe County residents age 11 and older may vote. To obtain information about voting on-line or in person, please go to this link for the procedure or dates, times, and locations: https://www.facebook.com/RochesterPB/
On the ballot, this project is identified as “F. RCSD School 16 Builds Community in the 19th Ward”. If residents recognize the great value of this integrated project, we urge them to select it and rank it as number one.
The next committee meeting will be Tuesday February 8th at 7 pm in the 19th Ward Community Association office.
Submitted by John Laing
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