Minutes of the May 7th, 2019 meeting of
The 19th Ward Community Association Schools Committee
Attendees: John Laing, John Boutet, Moiet James, Dan Ross, Sara Yaworski
April minutes
Spelling Bee
Moiet will have the budget and spend report by Monday, May 13. She estimated that spending was under budget.
The Spelling Bee started on time, and parents leaving early were not too disruptive. There were only two children picked up by the bus at school 33. For those who missed the event John B filmed the event and it is available on line, at: https://youtu.be/VilJIuV1p8A .
There were 6 winners due to ties in two of the grade levels when we ran out of words. 7 trophies had been ordered so there is an extra one to display in the office.
One issue that popped up was the lack of permission slips for the students. Actions were put in place to understand how to resolve this in the future.
Generating our own word lists was a worthwhile activity but it was decided to go back to the Scripp’s list to stay consistent with a national standard. This will supply 50 words per grade level, and we will add another 50.
Superintendent selection process
John B attended the sessions this weekend. The article in City Newspaper provides a good summary.
Local bussing
The number of people signing on to the petition is over 700. John and John met with Dan Lowengard and Linda Cimusz and confirmed that they supported the change, but wanted us to lead the effort. John and John were to contact state senators and representatives to lobby them for support. John B had contacted the mayor and we are trying to find a spot on her schedule.
School reports and receivership
There is a pause in the activities associated with the CET process. We expect the pace to pick up as the next set of meetings take place. There was discussion around what activities can make a difference and these need to be identified and prioritized.
The next committee meeting will be Tuesday June 11th at 7 pm in the 19th Ward Community Association office.
Submitted by John Laing
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