Minutes of the September 1st, 2020 meeting of
The 19th Ward Community Association Schools Committee
Attendees: Charlotte and Douglas Giebel, John Laing, Dan and Jay Ross, Joe Baldino, Sarah Yaworski, John Boutet, Moniek Silas-Lee
Spelling Bee Status (Douglas and Charlotte)
We continue to look for possible ways to conclude the 10th Spelling Bee and initiate the 11th Spelling Bee. The spreadsheet of the 10th expenses will be completed this month.
Shawn Neal, who won 7th grade Spelling Bee in 2014 and 8th grade in 2015, contacted us, and we put him in touch with the scholarship coordinator at the Community Foundation. There are a number of winners whom we have lost track of, and haven’t received their scholarships. Ruth Jenerson will share their names in a future 19th Ward communication in the hope that it may provide some contact information.
School reopening/volunteering
The budget crisis, coupled with COVET-19, has created instability in the schools and in the homes of students, staff and teachers. We expressed sympathy to the principals, and offered to help in any way we can.
People are willing to help students in September. Is there a way that volunteers could be matched up with students? Moniek was to check.
Chromebooks and internet access are required to enable distance learning. Joe was going to check on the progress.
New Business
The RCSD enrollment for pre-K is substantially reduced, such that school building 44 will not be used as a site. Dan raised the concern with what will happen to those children who are lost. Dan will check on the possibility of the Children’s Agenda taking on the project of answering the question “Where are the Children and Who is taking care of them.”
School 10 has been renovated. Charlotte wondered if there would be an opening event to showcase the school. If not could there be a virtual tour that could be shown on the district website. Why not have such a tour for all of the schools?
The next committee meeting will be Tuesday October 6th at 7 pm on Zoom.
Submitted by John Laing
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19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
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