From: Dan Drmacich <>
To: David Long,Sean Smith,Dave Atias,Eileen,David Kurtz and 78 more...
Cc: Reidy-Vedder, Kara A
Sat, Jan 7 at 11:14 AM
2023/01/06 Rochester Coalition for Pub. Ed. Meeting Minutes
Present: Howie Maffucci, John Boutet, Don Pryor, Chojy Schroeder, Joe Simson, David Hursh, Tricia Gonzalez, Ed Donnelley, Caterina Leone-Maninno, Kara Reidy-Vedder, Dan Drmacich
Discussion & Decisions:
1. Kara Reidy-Vedder & Caterina Leone-Mannino of the RCSD, presented the current RCSD/UofR/Nazareth/NYU Collaborative initiative (The ROC Urban Teaching Fellows) to recruit and develop more teachers into the RCSD; especially teachers of color. Teacher interns receive a stipend equal to a starting teacher's salary, active teaching support and mentoring throughout the year, before receiving certification. The program is starting with several new recruits at 3 RCSD schools (15. East & 31(?)) and expects the program to grow significantly each year, with more teacher recruits and colleges participating. Our Coalition members were impressed and will support the program by advocating and lobbying for more NYS support. Anyone interested should contact Kara at . or Caterina at
*We'll follow this message up with more details.)
2. David Hursh reported that the collaborative initiative with our Coalition and the Warner School Doctoral Students to sponsor a FREE conference on Feb. 10 & 11, is almost finalized. The
Friday, 2/10th part of the conference will be primarily for the doctoral students and those interested in presenting research for feedback & discussion. Our Coalition's main focus will be on Saturday, Feb. 11th, from 9 am to 1 pm, at which Prof. Rich Ryan will present on the application of self-determination and intrinsic motivation research, followed by small group discussion sessions and lastly by a reaction panel composed of invited guests: Commissioner Betty Rosa, Regent Wade Norwood, Supt. Carmine Peluso, and Professor Michelle Fine. The location will be announced by Tuesday, Jan. 10th & advertising will commence to all local educators, parent and student groups, administrators. local education professors, BoE members, NYS Regents, local community organizations and members of the NYSED Blue Ribbon Committee.
Each small discussion group that follows Ryan's talk will be pre-selected to make sure it is as diverse as possible, with a facilitator. We will need facilitators for each group & are requesting Coalition members to volunteer. The main question they will discuss is: "What should be the implications of Ryan's research for students, teachers & schools?" Please let me know if you're interested.
3. There have been no RASE Education Recommendations meetings since November. Joe & Dan will facilitate a survey process among its members to hopefully organize a meeting during the week of Jan. 9th.
4. We discussed the concern raised by Cindy Butterworth, regarding the National Parents Union. Research indicates that the organization is sponsored by several billionaires who support school privatization and charter schools;the Broad Organization, the Koch Bros. and Walmart. Whether the NPU is in it to push for more charter schools in Rochester is the key question; since charters have shown to have some negative impact on public school systems. We'll continue to do research on this issue & discuss again.
5. David Hursh reported on his attendance at this past week's Blue Ribbon Committee. (Tricia Gonzalez, another Coalition member of this NYSED Committee, had to leave our meeting early, but we're hoping she can share her perceptions, as well, by email.) David stated that he has concerns with the committee getting too concerned with specific required content for students, rather than skills such as critical thinking ,creative problem solving & other skills necessary for student citizenship & careers, but not assessed for by current Regents Exams. Joe expressed his concern on how such complex skills could be assessed. Dan shared how the Consortium Schools do so & encouraged David to request that Consortium reps present their assessment processes to the Blue Ribbon Committee as a concrete example that more of them could relate to.
All Consortium members are also urged to give the NYSED Blue Ribbon Committee leaders feedback on the "Thought Exchange" link below. Please, also strongly urge them to have the Consortium reps present.
The Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures would like to know:
What are the skills and abilities most needed by NY State graduates to be successful in their chosen post-secondary path?
Participate in the discussion via ThoughtExchange
The deadline to respond has been extended to January 9, 2023. Thank you for your participation!
6. Chojy, Ed & Dan shared their work with the RCSD's Rochester International Academy Principal & other ELL student advocates to (1) have the Academy become a K-12 school for international students, and (2) allow ELL students to use performance-based assessment portfolios rather than Regents Exams to demonstrate proficiency in all subject areas. They are requesting a meeting with the new Supt. to discuss their proposal.
7. We congratulated John Boutet on his work to have some RCSD schools serve as homeless shelters for homeless students and their families.
8. We did not have time to address the other agenda items, including: BoE candidates, possible BoE presentations by Coalition members, meetings with BoE members Camille Simmons & Ricardo Adams, and the proposed Superintendent's committee of local concerned education organizations.
9. We agreed to meet again on Friday Jan. 20th at 4:00 pm. Please let me know if this day & time creates a conflict for you.
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