The Education Committee of the SW Common Council

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

6:30 to 8:00 pm at

Arnett Branch Library, 310 Arnett Boulevard

Here are the meeting notes as a .pdf fileSWCC Education Committee Minutes 2019-01-23.pdf


John Boutet SWCC Education Committee Chair, 328-4271,

Ernestine Brown School #16 Parent Coordinator, 532-9148,

Eleanor Coleman CFC YouthBuild, 224-5119,

John Laing 19WCA Schools Comm & Sch #16 Vol, 235-5236,


Discuss latest development on superintendent

  • Dan Lowengard coming in as interim with chief of staff Linda Cimusz.

Aquino Report reaction: Report Meetings, Mayor's Community Input Sessions

Local Busing Initiative – Update on lobbying, Local Busing Coversheet & Petition.pdf , Addition:  The petition is now online at:

  • This is very important to increase neighborhood student enrollment. School #17, which has local bussing is up to 77% local enrollment. Local enrollment increases parent involvement.

  • Petitions have been emailed to SW schools.

School 3, 10, 16, 19, 29, 44, Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Academy - Updates - Which ones are in receivership? What can we do to help?

  • We have Schools 10, 16, 19 and Wilson Foundation in receivership in the SW.

  • School 4 and Wilson Magnet are Focus Schools.

  • What can we do to help?  Offer to serve on CET teams.

School #17 – John attended tour of School 17 and gained a lot of valuable information and resources. Check out Principal is Friday, 1/25, School 17 has a Learning Expo from 2-4pm. Please try to attend. Will invite her to our next Education meeting. School has blossomed as a community school under Leone-Mannino leadership; 77% neighborhood student enrollment. Believes in short distance bussing and maintains that it would increase parent involvement. It is hoped that increased parent involvement will have a positive impact on student achievement.

Ernestine noted that the School #17 area is primarily Hispanic and, as a culture, they support one another so she’s not surprised they are seeing the cohesiveness within the school.

Caterina known for meeting problems “head-on” (e.g. gang activity) and bringing in the necessary resources to remediate. John passed around their Support Services Directory and information on the 1/25 Learning Expo.

Another resource shared: Community Engagement Team (CET) information – site-based teams that consist of families, students, community partners, unions, neighboring community, residents, the principal, community school coordinator, teachers and other school personnel who guide collaborative planning, implementation and oversight based on the identified assets and needs of the community and School #17. There are seven CET work groups: Adult Ed/Workforce Development, Neighborhood Engagement, Early Childhood Education, Human Services, Health and Wellness, Out of School Youth Development and Parent & Family Engagement. For more information, about the CET workgroups, visit To join, go to this website:\InvolvedAt17

As we look at having several SW Schools in receivership this year it is worth looking at where School 17 was in 2015  Check out the School 17 Hearing 2015-08-08

School #16: Ernestine gave us an invitation to attend a public hearing on “receivership” and learn about the school’s improvement plan on Wed, 2/6, 5:30pm at 321 Post Ave.

Important for teachers to become more comfortable with surrounding neighborhood; stay in the area for local events and activities. Ernestine recommending a walk around the neighborhood on Superintendent’s Day. Eleanor noted that a recent list of all the places to eat in the SouthWest Quadrant was sent out and will get that to Ernestine.   SW Roc Food Map 01-20-2019 

Looking to bring in community resources and stakeholders who can provide information and support on how to get school out of receivership.

Special Black History event 2/28, 5:30pm where grade levels will perform; African-American cuisine afterwards.

Candlelight Dinners – 2/9

John B. recommended that Ernestine connect with Jackie Farrell to get details on Candlelight Dinners. Eleanor noted that Jackie is a very necessary resource for building a strong community relationship within the 19th Ward.

Technical Education Updates

  • CFC YouthBuild – New YB Advisory group started today; includes representatives from Lecesse, Home Leasing, REOC, RochesterWorks, Habitat for Humanity, and ABC (Associated Builders & Contractors). REOC has Career Services department and is making that available to YB students. New class starts 2/25. Eleanor will get information and marketing materials to School #16.

Scribe Services: Eleanor Coleman, YouthBuild & OACES/NEDP, 224 -5119,

SWCC Education Committee Chair: John Boutet, 328-4271,

19thWCA Schools Committee Chair: John Laing, 235-5236,

Views: 133

Replies to This Discussion

Note the addition of the SW Roc Food Map 01-20-2019 link to the meeting minutes.  

Since this meeting the short distance busing petition has been put online at have put that addition to the notes above.


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Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats

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