The Education Committee of the SW Common Council
Wednesday, 4/28/21
6-7:30 pm at
The YouTube video of this meeting can be found at:
Here are the meeting notes as a .pdf file: SWCC Education Committee Minutes 2021-04-28.pdf
Joe Baldino School #29 Principal, 490-2245,
John Boutet SWCC Education Committee Chair, 328-4271,
Carla Carey School #19 Teacher,
Mary Coffey N. Winton Village Co-Chair; Many Neighbors Building Neighborhoods;
Public Safety,
Eleanor Coleman Rotary SW, CFC YouthBuild, 224-5119,
Lentory Johnson Light the Way/Legacy Pk Sta, 749-3494,
Avril Little 19thWard Resident/Villa of Hope, 420-8521,
Alexus Lomack Hillside Children’s Center, Student Observer,
Josie McClary 19th Ward Delegate/District 19, 764-5661,
Moniek Silas-Lee School #19 Principal, 328-7454,
Sandra J Simon Mayor’s Office, Director of Special Projects & Education Initiative,
Stella Wang UR Teacher/Rotary SW/19th Ward Resident, 355-8568,
Lovely Warren Mayor, City of Rochester,
Welcome & Introductions
Child Safety Zone Map
John B. received a map from the Mayor Warren showing potential Child Safety Zones that could be useful in determining busing reconfiguration to reimburse local busing (less than 1.5 miles); current maps are based on state guidelines.
Mayor to meet w/ Superintendent to review the Child Safety Zone map and discuss possibilities around using this map to get local school busing throughout the City to supports neighborhood school configurations.
Child Safety Zone determination will not be made based on dangers of crime plagued neighborhoods (expectation is that it is a local responsibility to make those areas safe). Determination of a Child Safety Zone is made on the basis of traffic dangers such as how wide the streets are, how busy and fast the traffic is, how many safety guards are present, etc.
The Mayor has been responsive to requests from this committee and had her staff determine the Child Safety Zone Map based on State regulations.
Other groups working on busing issue: 19th Ward Education Committee and Coalition for Public Education, Citizen Action Alliance for Quality Education
Mayor’s Report: The mayor joined us about half way through the meeting (28:37 in video ) and stressed how the equity issue would be used for City students. The Child Safety Zone map was completed by Erik Frisch in Mayor Warren's staff. Our schools should qualify for the same child safe passage made available to suburbs. Should not be the case that children should have to pass over highways to get to schools in the City yet could get door-to-door busing if they live one mile from a suburban school. Will need letters of support and representatives who can provide input to our political representatives. Our students should have access to the same resources as their suburban counterpart. Trying to move ASAP - need to get entire state legislative buy-in (local support is good). Hoping it can take effect in next school year. Mayor approved for John to share map with Stella Wang’s UR class.
Quick review of school reopening - New COVID guidelines
Constantly changing process; latest appears to be that 3 options will be available:
COVID restrictions lifted - normal in fall, 5 days a week
COVID restrictions - Mon Tues in person; Wed Asynchronous; or Thu Fri in person
Remote learning exclusively for first 20 weeks of school (must make this request by May 7)
Political developments and funding breakthroughs
Money coming in from Federal Government and from the State thanks to Assembly/Senate-friendly members; AQE was able to push for the funding that was due since 2008-09; how to use the money efficiently - restaffing?
Substantial amount of money being made available is for learning loss / bring students back up to speed (accelerated learning). Student population is decreasing which will involve school closings, reconfiguration.
Can walk-in to Dome Arena and Hawkeye Plant on St. Paul without appointment
New study being made available for very young children; info will be made available
Primary elections
Primary is 6/26; several positions that impact education are on the ballot. Mayor up for re-election;
League of Women Voters will hold a debate among those running for office of School Board; we will send out a notice
Coalition for Public Education has been holding interviews with school board candidates
CET meetings
John continues to stay in touch with all SW CET’s schools. Impressive seeing the work being done.
SWCC pushing for revitalization
Still looking for parents/neighborhood representatives to take a leadership role in facilitating the SW Common Council. SWCC works to keep all neighborhood associations in the SW Quadrant working together.
Walk in items
CFC YouthBuild is recruiting for new class to start 5/24; contact for orientation is Reg Walton at 766-7344
School #19 - Community Zumba & Line Dancing Event 5/22; flyer will be sent out soon.
Rise Up Rochester - standing up against the violence; contact is Toni Nelson; Mary Coffey suggested that we join that effort.
Scribe Services: Eleanor Coleman, CFC YouthBuild & Rotary, 224 -5119,
SWCC Education Committee Chair, John Boutet, 328-4271,
2 members
12 members
14 members
19 members
13 members
9 members
7 members
10 members
29 members
7 members
4 members
19 members
5 members
7 members
6 members
38 members
23 members
14 members
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39 members
These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.
19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp
WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM
WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership 88.5 FM
El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)
Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester
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