The Education Committee of the SW Common Council
Wednesday, 1/26/2022
6-7:30 pm at
For Zoom Link for future meetings contact John Boutet <>
Here is a pdf of the minutes: SWCC Education Committee Minutes 2022-01-26.pdf
Here is a Video of this meeting:
Lila Alshehri Student Niagra University, 490-5542,,
John Boutet SWCC Education Committee Chair, 328-4271,
Mary Coffey N. Winton Village Co-Chair; Many Neighbors Building Neighborhoods; Public Safety,
Eleanor Coleman CFC YouthBuild, Rotary SW, 224-5119,
Fantasia Hunt World Mission Society Church of God, Volunteer Services,
Lentory Johnson Light the Way/Legacy Pk Sta, 749-3494,
Lee Loomis School #10 Volunteer Tutor,
Amy Maloy RCSD School Board Commissioner, 214-9850,
Mia Sinclair School #16 Community Coordinator,
Courtney Thomas Malik’s Office, Exec Staff Assistant, 428-6684,
Welcome & Introductions
Quick Update of School News
Original plan did not have community/parent input. Also, did not address how we are going to help curtail drop in enrollment.
Managed choice and want for neighborhood schools was not addressed in the original plan either. Data presented is not clear.
New plan to be written. Commissioners went to schools and it is clear that building leaders need to be part of any plan proposed.
School #7 is one of the most successful schools; closing it is not reasonable. They draw from the neighborhood - that should be tapped into. Rochester International Academy, which has been successful, does also not fare well in the plan. There is no consideration being given to established community resource support for individual schools.
Current plan allows charter schools to come in and draw students.
We are the 3rd poorest district in the nation; education is crucial.
Stop using poverty as an excuse; decline of programming has had a significant impact. How do we create social capital opportunities for our students?
No languages studied, except Spanish; what about Mandarin or Arabic?
Trades have been taken away; these are a key to a successful life for many children.
Every year, more and more resources and support services are cut.
Every other school district invests a portion of their budget into the school food service program; we use state reimbursement as the only method for feeding our children. Suggesting that $1 million be added to the budget to provide healthy, culturally supported, farm-to-table food.
Generational poverty - Students argued at the state level that they need to know how to buy a home, applying for a mortgage, financial planning, etc.
Extra school space could be used by agencies to provide services.
Is economic inequality a form of redlining?
Local Busing Update
Assembly seems to be more receptive this year to reworking busing requirements.
Worked with Mayor Warren and Caterina Leone to look at Safety Zones in connection with busing; Mayor Warren recommended that we use “equity” as a viable issue.
Rochester Coalition for Public Education News
Staying focused on RASE Forum and how to ensure that the findings are addressed.
Generally meet on Fridays, 4pm; frequently twice a month. There is a meeting this Friday, January 28th, 4:00 – 5:30pm. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 895 9155 2083 . For more information contact Dan Drmacich at or Howard Maffucci
Walk-in Items
Where do we stand with lead poisoning? Pediatricians are the front-line for addressing this.
John B. will invite NYS Senators and Assembly-persons to attend these meetings. John sent extensive information about local busing needs to Jen Lunsford and Demond Meeks spoken to at AQE/Citizen Action Education Committee meetings.
Fantasia offered her church’s help in addressing quality of life needs.
School #16 - focused on parent engagement and getting community resources into the school; this week, nurse will be presenting strategies to parents on keeping their children safe in these times.
Scribe Services: Eleanor Coleman, CFC YouthBuild & Rotary, 224 -5119,
SWCC Education Committee Chair: John Boutet, 328-4271,
2 members
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29 members
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38 members
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These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.
19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp
WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM
WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership 88.5 FM
El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)
Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester
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