What in the heck is going on with this house on Trafalgar Street?

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I don't know, but as a result, a resident of 40 years has lost her home! It's sad, very sad..thank God there were no fatalities!
Last winter, it appeared that the family living in the house was for some reason targeted. This assumption is based on the fact that the house was shot into and the set on fire. The family living in the house was renting. They moved out. The neighbors met as a group and met with the police as a group. The neighbors in the immediate vacinity formed a block club and have been working together. The house has been being worked on. The house has been vacant. The house this morning was aparently set on fire. I believe the fire deparentment considers it arson. The house was torn down today. The house immediately to the west, I believe will be torn down next week. It is owned by a long time resident who is now homeless. The house to the east is badly damaged, and the new owners I believe are not able to stay in it.
This is a trying time for the neighbors, who are understandably shocked and upset. This is also a great opportunity for us thier neighbors to pull together to help them out. It would be great if we could organize a candle light vigil, a food drive, or dontations for out neighbors. It would be great if we could get about 20 people together to go door to door on Tragalger street this weekend to stopin say hi, and drop off cookies to our neighbors, to show them we are with them and thinking of them. Or to do something similiar. I would be happy to particpate in any one of these types of events.
I think this is terrible and I am glad nobody got hurt, however I am a fireman. So I do have some questions. Do they have insurance?, because some insurance policies have a clause to that covers housing. How do we contact anyone to began to help? I live on Trafalgar and would be willing to help organize something for these families...
You know me Dan, I can get the message out, lets do this. I am in shock as well. Anthony and I had gone to the 19-South meeting last night, and came home full of energy, only to wake this morning, and learn about this tragedy. It really took the wind out of my sails, for sure.
I am going to close this (and one other) thread, so we do not have to repeat info for everyone. The current thread can be found here.



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