2021/12/17 Rochester Coalition for Public Education Meeting Minutes

From: Dan Drmacich    dandrmacich123@gmail.com,                             Sat, Dec 18 at 10:21 AM

To: Sean Smith,Dave Atias,Eileen,Deb Hanmer,David Kurtz…. and 78 more...

Cc: Nelms, Shaun C

Attendance: John Boutet, Don Bartalo, Chojy Schroeder, Don Pryor, Connie Flahive, Joe Simson, Candace Rubin, Howie Maffucci, Ed Donnelly, Dan Drmacich

Discussion & Decisions:

1. Shaun Nelms, Supt. of the UofR/East High Initiative, provided us with important data and clarification of positive data on the initiative, particularly with success indicators, culture, cost, NYSED assistance, roadblocks, environment, PD, curriculum & pedagogy, website documentation and replication. We were all very impressed with Shaun's information & stunned over the lack of RCSD initiatives ro replicate the East High process. Shaun agreed to meet with us again on a date to be arranged. We agreed to share ideas for possibilities of advancing elements of the East High/UofR initiative. One idea could be to ask the RCSD BoE & Supt. why the district is not aggressively trying to replicate these East High successes.

2. Ed Donnelly shared his work on establishing a banking account for our Coalition at ESL Bank, and our drive to raise funds to support Coalition efforts by asking for contributions from Coalition members (see attached letter.). So far, only a few Coalition members have made donations of $10 or more.

3. Joe Simson reported on his work to develop a student survey that would solicit student views on studying about race-related issues. He is currently working with Shane Weigand and the UofR Ed. Dept. to develop the survey and a process for administering it. Shane has been very supportive. We shared possible ideas for administering the survey.

4. Dan asked that Coalition members send feedback and edits on his proposed letter (attached) to suburban members of the Urban-Suburban Transfer Program, that identifies our concerns and recommendations. Dan will revise for discussion & approval at our next meeting.

5. Don Pryor discussed our letter to the RCSD Supt. & BoE (attached), regarding school closing considerations. We agreed that an addendum should be sent, focusing on additional PD on Literacy development and replication of the East High/UofR initiative. Don Pryor will draft a letter & share with members for feedback. Chojy will send 
Don a draft regarding literacy development & PD.

6. Don Pryor announced that the Great Schools for All initiative for inter-district, thematic, racially integrated, magnet schools will hold its first meeting with interested school districts on Jan. 4th. He asked that all Coalition members respond to a GS4A request for support for the project, by sending an email to their individual school boards to attend & support the initiative.

(See GS4A website link, below at "our website.) Dan will also send the GS4A letter request to members shortly.

7. Bart reported that he sent an email to all Coalition members of color asking if an alternative date and time for our meetings would be helpful for their individual attendance. Four Responses have so far indicated that they strongly support our efforts but have too many other priorities to participate. We agreed that we are wide-open for other ideas to boost people-of-color participation at our meetings. We need their perspectives, involvement & leadership.

8. Dan & Bart reported on their participation in the December 8th NYS Regents Blue Ribbon Commission's zoom meeting on NYS graduation requirements, agreeing that the meeting was well-organized & that meaningful recommendations were made on literacy and the skills recommended by Harvard Leadership Professor, Tony Wagner, in his book, "The Global Achievement Gap." As to what follow-up and impact our recommendations will have is the big question mark.

9. Bart also reported on a recent poorly-attended, announced and organized RCSD meeting he attended on RCSD recommendations. State Monitor Shelly Jallow read, verbatim, her power-point presentation. Bart followed up with critical letters to the Supt., BoE, Jallow and Board of Regents. We discussed accountability issues for the State Monitor & will further discuss at our next meeting. 

10. We agreed to meet again on THURSDAY, December 30th at 4:30 pm. PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE FROM OUR REGULAR MEETING DAYS & TIMES!

GS4A website



Nelms, Shaun C

Sat, Dec 18, 7:37 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
[Dan Drmacich]
Happy Holidays.  
Shaun Nelms, EdD
Superintendent of Educational Partnership Organization, Rochester City School District
William and Sheila Konar Director for the Center for Urban Education Success at the University of Rochester
1801 E. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14609
(585) 288-3130

3 Attachments :

Views: 33


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