Martin Luther King Luminary Events


Martin Luther King Luminary Events

A group for those interested in helping out, planning for, and participating in the Martin Luther King Luminary Events. This will be our 6th annual event. You can use this group to help organize activities in your area.

Members: 23
Latest Activity: Jan 17, 2018

Upcoming January 18, 2016 Event and Background Links

Celebrating Kings Day serves as an opportunity to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s commitment to social activism and the legacy that has inspired us to continue his movement.

Join us for our first event on January 16, 2016 at Arnett Library with guest speaker City Councilman Adam McFadden.  Luminary kits will be available for purchase at this event.

On January 18, 6pm –9pm join us for candle lighting throughout the neighborhood and Hot Spots. Open your door in 2016 sign up for Hot Spot; this is a social gathering serving a hot beverage to your neighbors and sharing your thoughts on legacy of King. Hot Spots are already forming, check the for hotspot locations and more information or 19th ward Community Association website .

We have a limited supply of Luminary kits available for pick up January 16, 17, and 18th.   Call for times and locations 585 328-6571.

The Arnett Café will serve as the Martin Luther King Jr, Luminary Headquarters. Contact MLK Committee Chair Zola Brown if you have any questions 585-210-9370 or .

It is recommended that activity organizers start a Discussion in the Forum below for their particular area.  They can provide information on who is doing what in the Discussion topic which they can update as need-be. Participants can use the "Reply" to provide input.  Discussion can of course be started for other purposes such a long term planning and posting reviews and pictures of events in various areas.  Be sure to let Landy know your plans at .

Anyone setting up a chocolate stand of bonfires site should contact Landy Atkinson at so he can add it to the map which can be found on

Background Information

Besides the website check the Comment Wall below and here are links to Discussions in the main Location19 Forum:

leadership needed 2011 Luminary Evening

Luminary Event- 2011

Looking at Race Relations in the SW

Luminary evening feedback

Luminary Event planning meeting feedback

Discussion Forum

Video from the Gahndi Institute

Started by John Boutet Jan 30, 2015. 0 Replies

The Gandhi did a great job of celebrating the…Continue


Started by John Boutet Jan 13, 2015. 0 Replies

Once again we will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Day with an evening Luminary Event.  This year is the 50th anniversary of the 19th Ward Community Association and we are hoping to make this…Continue

Sharing the Dream in 2013

Started by John Boutet. Last reply by John Boutet Jan 25, 2013. 1 Reply

The 19th Ward once again put on a luminary display for the evening of Martin Luther King Day.  It was very cold this year which may have been the reason for somewhat fewer neighbor walking the…Continue

Luminary kits selling fast

Started by 19th Ward Community Association Jan 13, 2012. 0 Replies

HURRY AND BUY YOUR LUMINARY KITS!!! We made 225 luminary kits last Saturday, but many have already been sold.  You can purchase them for $4.00/kit of 10 luminaries at Hunt's Hardware, Menezes Pizza,…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Martin Luther King Luminary Events to add comments!

Comment by Eleanor Coleman on January 17, 2018 at 8:37am

What a fun event!  Emery and I participated in the So Plymouth luminaries and had a good time with the teen DJ's at Mary D'Allessandro's hot spot (literally - there was a fire on the walkway!).  The SouthWest rocks!

Comment by John Boutet on January 15, 2018 at 8:37pm

I took me a half hour this evening to bring two laundry baskets filled with MLK milk jug luminaries from last year, light them indoors one basket at a time and set them out.  They had been loaded with 2.5 inch diameter glass jar candles last year and they still had plenty of live left in them for tonight.

The snow cap on the hedge served a s nice pedestal to place several of the luminaries.

This is a great way to quickly set up luminaries.

This is a great way to do luminaries for Martin Luther King night.

Comment by 19th Ward Community Association on January 16, 2014 at 12:59pm

Luminary kits now available at Hunt's Hardware, Menezes' Pizza, Boulder Coffee, and 19thWCA office at 216 Thurston.  Kits are $4.00 for a set of 10.  Let's brighten up the neighborhood on Monday.

Comment by 19th Ward Community Association on January 8, 2014 at 10:18am

BRRR!! Hopefully it will warm up for January 20, our annual luminary night to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.  Get your candle kits at the 19th Ward Office, Hunts Hardware, or Menezes' Pizza.  Set them out at 6:00 on 1/20 and walk the neighborhood to see the lights and visit.

Comment by Steph on January 5, 2012 at 10:51pm

Hi!  We are excited to celebrate Martin Luther King and our annual Luminary Night.  We will be hosting kid friendly games, cookies and hot chocolate out front and on the porch.  Stop by and warm up by the fire!  We hope to see you, Steph, Mike, Urban and Casiro on Rugby.

Comment by LaShay Harris on January 5, 2012 at 11:00am
Happy New Year Everyone, 
Martin Luther King Luminary (MLK) Evening planning is in the works. On Monday, January 16th at sunset, please set out your Luminaries. Please aline them parallel to the street.   Then go for a walk and enjoy the lights.  Several streets are hosting hot chocolate stands, bonfires or other get togethers.  Please click on the link to see if someone on your street is hosting a station
If your street does not have a red dot and you want to host a food and beverage station please send an email to  to let us know and we will add you to the map online.   
I would like to encourage you all as to participate and lead by examples to others in our community.   These are exciting times for some and difficult time for others.  What brings us together is the hope in the MLK Dream and how it applies to each of us individually.  Join us as we continue in the celebration of friendship, community spirit and unity.
Calling all amateur or professional photographers please come and capture magic by participating in a  photo contest. 
The 19th Ward Community Association will recognize a winner for the best photograph taken during the MLK Luminary Event. 
LaShay Harris
19th Ward Association 1st Vice President
Comment by Wendy Sullivan on February 12, 2011 at 10:04am
I love the photos - I was in Texas this year so missed the event!  It looks like this tribute is growing more and more!!  thanks for the wonderful work everyone did this year!  I am proud to be Urban by Choice!
Comment by John Boutet on February 12, 2011 at 12:09am

Below are some of the pictures I took of the Martin Luther King Luminary Event this year.  The complete set of pictures can be found in this Shutterfly album: 

2011  01  17     Martin Luther King Luminary Evening 2011 <-ALBUM

Melrose St.



Comment by John Boutet on January 17, 2011 at 12:54am

Last chance to pick up your Martin Luther King Luminaries is today.  Tonight we celebrate the dream!

If you have not picked up your luminary kits yet, you can still get them at:

Menezes Pizza - 445 Chili Ave from 12pm -6pm
Hunt's Hardware  - 390 Thurston Rd
Boulder Coffee - 955 Genesee St

Have a great evening!

Comment by Eleanor Coleman on January 12, 2011 at 9:24am
Update:  I learned that the dollar store in the plaza across from the Cinema on South Ave has battery lights 3 for $1.00.  However, remember two things: (1) purchasing the "ready-made" kits also supports the 19th Ward Community Association and (2) if you use battery lights, you should use a lighter bag as the illumination isn't as strong.

Members (23)


SW Merchants

Information Links

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19th Ward Community Association
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