Gardener Alert! Project Scion to aid City Lot

Bruce Zaretsky and Sharon Coates of Zaretsky & Associates and Pietro Furgiuele of Waterford Tilling have launched Project Scion THE ORCHARD and are calling for help to revamp a vacant lot in the City of Rochester.

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Comment by Mark Sweetland on July 11, 2012 at 4:24am

This seems to have been a success from news reports.  Ch. 13 had a very positive report, and I heard Michael Warren Thomas on WYSL 1040 AM discussing.  The team leading the project plan to continue Project Scion for the next two years from what I heard, at two new locations in the City.  Kudos to Bruce and Sharon!  What great community giveback from those who have such successful businesses.  And true talent.  Their help is so appreciated.  An example of what makes Rochester such a good place to live! 

Comment by DeWain Feller on June 21, 2012 at 7:38am

We have several community gardens in the 19th Ward that need TLC: Ravenwood and Thurston, Chili and Thurston, and Arnett and Wellington.

The volunteers who have been coordinating the work in a couple of the gardens are no longer able to continue this effort. 

  •  We have a new coordinator for the Ravenwood Thurston garden, but need workers to assist her.  Call the Office and I can connect you, or simply stop by the garden with your hoe and weedpuller.
  • The Chili Thurston garden is more desperate.  It has been a long time since anyone has worked in that garden.  We therefore need a coordinator, and a number of workers to clean it up, then just a few to keep it in good shape.  
  • The library garden simply needs one or two people to assist the caretaker. 
  • The small circle at Aberdeen Square has become overgrown with weeds.  A few hours with a good crew of workers is all we need there. 
  •  Thanks to Susan Morehouse and her hardworking crew, the Arnett/Wellington garden is quite beautiful. 
 If you can help at all, please do.  You can call Jackie at the office at 328-6571, and we can organize a crew to work together on a specific day, or you can organize your own crew, large or small, and show up whenever it is convenient for you. 
Comment by Barbara Warren on June 20, 2012 at 11:00am

What a wonderful project! I signed up and made a monetary contribution. If I can be there to help I'l do that too. They still need to raise more money to go ahead though.

SW Merchants

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