To amendments to the 9/15 SWCC Minutes:
Having trouble attaching the amended minutes. Will work on it!
Amended Minutes for 9/15/16
SouthWest Common Council
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Phillis Wheatley Library
6:00pm -7:30pm
The SWCC represents leaders, community residents and stakeholders who meet to contribute to the vision and planning for the SouthWest Quadrant.
In attendance:
Kaye Adams R-Center/Adams St. - adamsk@cityofrochester.gov 428-7266
Jen Beideman FLHSA Healthi Kids - jennbeideman@flhsa.org 224-3151
Isaac Bliss R-Center Anthony St. - blissj@cityofrochester.gov 428-6503
John Boutet 19th Ward/LocationSW/SWCC Co-Chair - jboutet@frontiernet.net 328-4271
Anthony Calderone R-Center/Grover St. - calderoa@cityofrochester.gov 428-7827
Eleanor Coleman ProsperRochester, Inc. - eleanor.coleman@gmail.com 224-5119
Mary D’Allesandro So. Plymouth Ave Business Assn - mnd7444@hotmail.com 703-7444
Elizabeth Doucette Cottage St. Block Club - cottagestreetvoices@gmail.com 317-0076
Jennifer Lenio SW Libraries - jennifer.lenio@libraryweb.org 428-8272
Greg Norsen So. Plymouth Business Assn - p18001@aol.com
Bonnie Mayer Corn Hill - bonnywithy@gmail.com
Dawn Noto Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Assn - dnoto1872@gmail.com 464-8785
Lynnette Robinson COTS/SWCC Co-Chair - lynnrob10@hotmail.com 953-0415
Andy Rose R-Center Flint St. - rosea@cityofrochester.gov 428-7001
Roundtable Reports (in Alpha Order)
Changing of the Scenes - Lynnette Robinson
10/15 - Autumn Youth Jam in Troup Street Park 11-2; wide variety of activities to celebrate fall (popcorn, caramel apples, corn-on-the-cob, etc.); tractor hay ride; Rec on the Move, police horses, fingerprinting for kids, etc.
Looking for volunteers to set up play activities for children.
Annual Meeting will be in January. Asking for people to help COTS plan for future.
Cottage St. Block Club - Elizabeth Doucette
Mussar pilot program brought to neighborhood; ancient spiritual Jewish discipline; educational and cultural movement focused on moral conduct, instruction, and discipline. Program will include weekly meetings focused on humility, patience, gratitude, honor, loving, kindness, strength, etc.).
Harvest Sanctuary After School program still going strong. Foodlink provides warm food.
Little Free Library - children can keep books; need books that are culturally representative of the children served f(African-American).
Corn Hill - Bonnie Mayer
September is “re-group” month
Bonnie participated in the Bergman Planning Group for Central City. Small group - only 2 people attended. Statistics indicated that there is 38% poverty in the downtown area (whole City is 32%).
Corn Hill has donated a total of $30,000 to date.
Would like to see the riverfront have better accommodations for people who might want to visit there.
Cubes are coming! - multi-colored seats at bus stops
Flyers will be distributed for Libraries to push the Racism and Poverty workshops 9/21 and 9/28 to be held at Phillis Wheatley:
Conversations on Race - Wednesday, September 21, 6 – 8pm
Conversations on Race with Poverty - Wednesday, September 28, 6 – 8pm
Presented by the Friends & Foundation of the Rochester Public Library (FFRPL) in collaboration with: Jim Berger; Velverly Caldwell, Metro Justice; Renee Frazier, Marketing A La Renee, Inc.; Donna Goldberg, FFRPL; Jerry Ingram; Steve Jarose, The National Coalition Building Institute; Ann Johnson, ACT Rochester; Rebecca Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology; Kit Miller, The M K Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence; Lori Nolasco-Martinez; Jim Thompson; Judy Toyer; MacClurg Vivian; Sherry Walker-Cowart, The Center for Dispute Settlement
Free, facilitated whole-group and small-group conversations about race, awareness of racial identity, segregation in our individual lives, racial privilege and the connection of race to poverty. Each two-hour conversation is unique and everyone participates.
FLHSA Healthi Kids - Jen Beideman
No news YET regarding Phillis Wheatley Interactive Story Walk proposal but we are hopeful; library added a component wherein children will also write the stories for the project (learn about literacy, publication, etc.).
Park-ing Day here tomorrow 2-5; purpose is to reclaim public places for play - international event. Try the chalk “maze” outside of the library door (children using it as we walked in).
19th Ward - John Boutet
Citizen/Merchant of the Year Dinner at St. Mary’s coming up
Convention in November
ProsperRochester & OACES - Eleanor Coleman
RocSOUP 10/22, 4-7 @ Phillis Wheatley Library; excited that Kiva asked to co-sponsor the event and help with marketing. Application deadline has been extended to 10/1.
R-Center - Kay Adams 428-7266
Adams St. (#3 School/Corn Hill) - Kaye Adams
After school with dinner; includes reading program
Weight room - register first; adults over 18 bring I.D. M-F, 5-9
Adult Aqua-zumba at 5 on Tuesdays
Thrive - Teens Helping Reinvent
Monday Night Basketball for ladies
Looking to promote family events.
Open at 2:30; most children come at 4:30; adult program in the evening around 5
Medieval activities
Youth soccer Saturday nights
Pickle Ball proposed for families
Very reasonable prices for pre-K and adults
Tennis court
Playground - currently being refurnished
Baseball diamond
Were able to feed 60-65 during the summer; averaged about 40 children for dinner
Jujitsu for children and adults (Dr. Kamee)
Women’s Self Defense on Saturdays
Young Ladies Group - Positive Girls Doing Positive Things
Roxie Sinkler Center (Gardiner) - Tony Calderone 428-7827
After school programming, homework help, reading, serve snacks
Monday evenings - Medieval activity for adults
Black Student Leadership Thursday nights
Fridays - Health & Fitness Boxing for families
Starting October 31/Nov - City Catholic Wrestling Assn - kids 8-15
City-wide Rec Events - Isaac Bliss 428-6503
Flag Football starting up
Floor Hockey
Fun Day Fridays (movies, dances, etc.) planned
Flint St. - Andy Rose 428-7001
Flag football
After School Academy
Reading program - very big push on getting children to read, signing up for library cards, etc.
So. Plymouth Business Association - Greg Norsen
Participated in the Mid August SW Planning Group from Bergman Associates; areas of interest and change inventory. Will bring notes to next meeting. Stats for this area provided were very helpful. Data is also on the City’s website as well as meeting minutes. Would like to see more representation of the area in this groups to provide more comprehensive feedback.
Zoning Review being conducted by City in SW (Ford St, Exchange, Plymouth, etc.) surrounding the BOA.
Greg working with COTS’ Autumn Youth Jam to provide a tractor for a hay ride that day.
Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Association - Dawn Noto
New Free Little Library on 16 Madison - across from SBA Museum
Continue to do the kid clean-up activity on Saturdays; youth pick up litter in the neighborhood; much less litter this year.
Foodlink Curbside now every other Thursday starting today from 5-5:45; NOTE: Foodlink VERY accommodating with getting fresh food out into the community
Pumpkin Fest this year; best haunted house out of boxes.
New initiative by Wayne Harris to promote Police/Community relationships; would like to see more of that in the SouthWest.
SWCC Education
Were able to have RCSD give a presentation at Arnett on plans for renovating School #16; another 2 years before renovation begins. John Laing & John Boutet sitting on Building Advisory Committee for School #16 which will enable them to work with architects and provide input.
Managed Choice Task Force continues to meet to advocate for neighborhood schools and address bussing issues.
SW Libraries - Jennifer Lenio
Storytimes - 11-11:30 a.m., 1st and 3rd Sats
Race Conversations will take place at Phillis Wheatley on 9/21 & 9/28; (see Corn Hill report)
9/21 & 28; conversations on race; facilitated small group discussions. 6-8pm
Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection - Wednesday, September 21 at 4 p.m. Teens can learn about and sign up for Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection through a representative who will be onsite in the teen area. HW-SC helps at-risk students from grades 7–12 stay in school and earn their high school diploma, while providing invaluable part-time work experience and job skills to help prepare them for life after graduation and college preparation.
9/22, 5:30-6:30 Audiobook Workshop - Thursday, September 22, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Did you know that the library has a whole collection of eBooks and digital audiobooks that you can borrow right on your phone, tablet or computer? Did you know they have no late fees?! This workshop will introduce you to the Overdrive app, show you tips for finding the books you want, and help you get set up on your device. Please bring your device and library card with you. If you are interested, please call (585) 428-8214 to let us know what type of device you have.
Other Announcements
Coffee with the Mayor at Brue Coffee, Genesee & Brooks, 9/24, 8-10am
Fusion - new Restaurant at 719 S. Plymouth Ave - Caribbean/African/Soul food
10/15 is E-Waste - electronic recycling
11/19 - School #17 - Dr. David Singleton Thanksgiving Dinner
Genesee Street Newsletter available
Project Share Heating Fund starting up
ABC helps low-income enter health care - HPOG; 325-5116
OACES - Eleanor thanked Mary D’Allessandro for her advocacy work on behalf of the SW Common Council to restore the CNA program at OACES. While there are still programs and services that have not been reinstated, the CNA program is one that highly impacts employment and career mobility for underserved populations. Bonnie noted that a community group will be formed so that RCSD will have input from the community regarding programming and that this will never happen again.
SW Common Council Membership: How do we increase SWCC membership? How do we engage young people? Kaye recommended that we identify youth who could sit on the board with official positions and who can then provide input. Kaye will work with Lynnette to move this forward. City Rec has Youth Councils who choose their programming and it proves to be very effective.
DRAFT By-Laws Review
Distributed to all in attendance. Presenting this at next agenda for discussion and than a vote. Thank you to Bonnie Mayer for helping us format the document and prepare it for dissemination.
Contact Information
Lynnette Robinson, lynnrob10@hotmail.com, (585) 953-0415
John Boutet, jboutet@frontiernet.net, (585) 328-4271
Scribe: Eleanor Coleman, eleanor.coleman@gmail.com, (585) 224-5119
Respectfully Submitted,
Eleanor Coleman
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29 members
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38 members
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39 members
These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.
19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp
WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM
WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership 88.5 FM
El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)
Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester
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