Protests were held in many cities Wed. night after election outcome was announced. I talked with several people today who were disappointed that we are not expecting our first woman president. Who were also concerned with our elect's lack of experience, tone, and policies.
Examine the demographics of those who voted for Trump. Not promising for America.
We can only hope that he uses his power to unite America again, and bring some changes that are improvements.
A positive note was the 8000 people who visited SB Anthony's grave after voting. A touching tribute.
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I was slightly encouraged by Trump's interview on 60 Minutes on Sunday. He seemed much more controlled, and willing to change some of his campaign statements. I think he is realizing the enormity of his situation. He is an actor, as the president must be. And we survived Ronald Reagan pretty well, so maybe there is hope.
Talking with my father, who is 90, and a lifelong Republican, his belief is that Trump eventually will be impeached or assassinated. Trump's latest thought to build up more nuclear weapons is insane, as we are trying to decommission all of them in the world. Even more insane is his opinion that there is no climate change, and his refusal to do anything about it, while supporting business that causes it. Does this make any sense? Not much we can do but watch.
His first war will probably be against SNL. Even though he once appeared on it, he now thinks "Saturday Night Live" is "not funny" and "unwatchable" - mainly because it incessantly mocks him.
A major problem is Trump's plan to repeal Obamacare. Why? Spite? It works, as 20 million more Americans have health coverage now. Mine costs $20 a month. It is an MVP Essential plan that would cost me $558 a month. Unfortunately, as a part-time worker, with uncertain hours, that has been more than I make per month. So then how do I buy food, pay for gas & electric, pay taxes, buy gas for the car, etc.? People, please urge our legislators not to repeal a good thing, unless an equivalent replacement is in place. And why do it at all?
Inauguration, right before MLK Day: "but more Democratic members of the House said they would not attend after Trump in a series of tweets attacked Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, who a day earlier said he doesn't see Trump as a "legitimate president" due to alleged Russian interference in the election.
Trump dismissed Lewis, a Freedom Rider who was beaten during a 1965 march in Selma and was arrested and jailed repeatedly in opposition to segregation, as "all talk, talk, talk - no action or results."
Here are some interesting links from a NEW YORK TIMES article:
"During his one and only news conference as president-elect, Mr. Trump said no one cared about his refusal to release his tax returns but reporters.
Well, he has his answer. The first official petition of the Trump era has been filed on Release your tax returns.
Oh, and an impeachment website is up as well."
Deb Leary was on the news last night as being a bus captain for the march on Washington. Thanks, Deb, for helping to take the 19th Ward's words to the Capital.
Well, does anyone care to speak up about taking 20 million off of health care? That's a real positive step (not.)
Beyond belief:
Would Obama have done something like this? How about Reagan, or Clinton? Time to dump the T.
Well, so much for hopeful thoughts. Trump continues to do weird things. Paper towels, anyone, to help mop up flooding in Puerto Rico?
Time to dump the Trump. He has fired almost everyone, now it is time to fire him. This is not a stable government, it is one of the unbalanced. Not what our country needs.
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