Hi neighbors,
This appears to be the week for dealing with pressing issues in our community.  Now it is our beloved coffee house that is in peril. You probably have heard about the possible sale of the property that currently houses Boulders to a group that would use it for purposes other than a neighborhood coffee house.  Until two days ago I thought all the rumors were exaggerated.  I thought that everyone who knew what this community went through to save that historic building - with the expressed intent of having a coffee house there - would do everything possible to oppose any such sale.  I'm apparently very naive.

I would urge you to consider "signing" the petition below by sending it back to John Borek at johnwborek@yahoo.com with a  "YES include my name",  and then remember the actions of our elected officials in either supporting or opposing this sale when you cast your ballot in future elections.

AND - please attend the meeting at 7PM,  Monday, October 11th, at Staybridge Suites for a public discussion on what is about to happen unless we speak up.  We need to be informed and to be heard.

John Boutet

-------- Original Message from John Borek--------

After two Coffee Shop Committee meetings, several Committee members felt that we needed to take a strong stance requiring that the CDC enforce the covenant restricting use of the building to a coffee shop. We are distributing the statement below as a petition. If you would like to have your name included, just notify me by return e-mail.

To: Sector 4 Community Development Corporation

From: Leaders of the SouthWest Community

We insist that Sector 4 Community Development use its veto power to insure that Boulder coffee shop remain in its current location at 955 Genesee Street. The community has raised over $235,000 to have a coffee shop in that historic building.

Best, John Borek and Paul Jones, Co-Chairs, SouthWest Common Council


Phase 2 - Oct. 16, 2010

Please send your opinion letters, pro or con, to Sector 4 CDC: sector4cdc@yahoo.com .

Please also copy the 19th Ward Community Association: 19thward@19wca.org
and also post it hear.

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Dear CDC, others etc.

Originally I was in support of the decision to allow an alternate use of the Carr building. From all I have read and seen on the YouTube video (admittedly only one part so far), all the letters and meeting summaries I must say my feelings are changing to the others side.

I guess I would not have a problem with this if I knew that the possibilities of future commercial developments in the area had been exhausted. That does not seem to be the case. Boulder is not, at least publicly, crying disaster and suggesting immanent closure. No one is saying that UofR is giving up leasing their space to commercial tenants and that they may convert it to office space, hence loosing the vision of Brooks Landing. No one is saying that the developer of Staybridge is giving up on his plans which could further enhance the district and its ability to sustain and attract businesses. We have been patient with this for what 20 years? I'm not sure we are to the point of giving up hope for a new commercial center at Brooks Landing.

As I have said before, I'm not totally impressed with Boulder. I have not seen one marketing piece for the shop come to my door. I have no idea what entertainment he has there every weekend. Other than occasional notice of a community meeting or event, there has been nothing to entice me to go there, although I desperately want to support it. Mr. Wilton built an outdoor patio but it doesn't seem like it was ever finished or used. The parking lot is still not paved. The desserts are not good, making it not on my first list to go for coffee and a sweet after a show. From what I think, he has an identity crisis and is not sure if he is running a coffee house with food or a music hall with coffee or a bar. The food may be good but the menu might not be right for this neighborhood. I am hearing, service is not good still (I have honestly not ordered much there lately). Perhaps with changes, or a new operator, Mr. Wilton would be more successful.

If Boulder is in trouble and it moves across the street there is no guarantee that he would be successful and we may be right back to where we started from. If the building really is too big his model of a coffee house who is to say it's not marketable as some other commercial retail business that would provide benefit to the Brooks Ave commercial district. Another model, which could very well provided the neighborhood "meeting spot" and UofR draw might work just as well. There are many other businesses that might even consider that prime space other than a coffee house, enhancing the district.

If Mr. Wilton closes Boulder and can't market his building to anyone who wants to open a coffee shop, as per the deed restriction, then the CDC should we consider an alternate non-coffee house use. Then, if it still proves to be unmarketable as a commercial venture (bar, restaurant, store, whatever) consideration could be given to a non-commercial use.

Howard Ressel
Penhurst Street
Resident since 1987
LeShay makes a good point about focus. Both arsons were committed just blocks from my house, and the disastrous break in on Wellington Ave was too close for comfort. I am so terribly sorry for LeShay's loss; it is too horrible a prospect even to consider much less endure, so I can well understand the perspective that the loss of a coffee house cannot compare to the loss of a home, or the violation of a home and its owner. Maybe our passionate feelings about the coffee house were fanned by the other stressful incidents in our neighborhood. I know mine was.

Nevertheless, I am in agreement with John Boutet on this matter: a contract is a contract and should be honored. I have seen too many rare things undone for the sake of private profit; the people who contributed to the renovation thought they were contributing to a coffee house, especially housed in a historic and accessible building, not just to the renovation of a building. What was the purpose of all those bricks with their names on it? Or the ribbon cutting ceremony? The coffee house was more than just a place to pour caffeine down your throat: it was an emblem of commercial development, even ELEGANT commercial development, a rare luxury in a depressed neighborhood. Yes it was flawed, yes it's sweets were not like those at Starbucks, no it didn't have the music or the events we hoped it would. But it opened its doors to everyone, doors that once remained closed to everyone, and will close again to almost everyone. Its loss cannot be compared to the loss of a home or of a life. God forbid! I am resigned at this point to what will happen to it, but it annoys me that contracts aren't kept, people are left uninformed, and that the street, which should be our prime focus, is still being "isolated." If Genesee Street is so dangerous and ugly, the coffee house was a symbol of our efforts to make it not so. I hope that whatever happens, the street will lose its notoriety in time. All of this is now becoming water under the pedestrian bridge. I had hoped that revenue would go in that building, because that's what brings people walking across the river; but if it goes across the street, then let's make the best of it. But I sign the petition, and I did write a letter that kept me up till four this morning weighing the pros and cons and seeking to understand the business end of the whole thing better. I won't reproduce that here; it's repetitive and over long, but that was the gist of it.
The sale and change of use have been approved by the CDC.

I certainly do not understand this:

"It was always my intention that if I ever went through with this I would relocate across the street.I never wanted to leave the neighborhood," said Wilton.

The new plan is for 955 Genesee Street building to be given to the University of Rochester's Chabad House which is run by Rabbi Asher Yaras.

Wilton said he plans to move to Brooks Landing sometime next year, has no plans to shut down operations at the current location until the new one is running and plans to stay for the remainder of the original 10-year plan.
Letter to CDC:
I do not understand how the comments of the community could be ignored and the coffee house is now going to be sold. Please explain on Location19.org. I am not saying your actions were wrong, but please define so we can all see how you reached your decision.

Thank you.


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