Has anyone had a gentleman come to your door and ask if he could come in and give you free advice on how you can save energy in your house?  This happened to me around 6:30 tonight on Virginia Ave.  I immediately told him I wasn't interested.  He assured me that he was not a salesman and just wanted to tell me how I could save on energy costs.  I told him we were in the process of selling our house.  At that point, he asked if I wanted to upgrade all of my windows, or do anything like that before selling.  I told him no and finally just had to close my door.  I didn't think anything of it initially, but the more I think about it, the more it is bothering me.  I'm now getting a weird feeling about it and wondering if he was casing our places to rob.  Being one and a half hours later, I don't know if I should still call 911 and report it, or just email Officer Runyon about it.  At this point, this guy could now be anywhere.

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Sorry for the delayed response.... I think that your concern is warranted! It sounds like this man was trying to get into your house!! Generally speaking, legit salespeople do not go door to door after hours!! Also, the city has some requirements about solicitation- i don't know the details, but hopefully someone who is familiar can share those details (i.e. i think solicitors need to have a city issued 'badge' to show).

Officer Runyon is out of work right now and I am not sure that we have someone available who is responsive in the way she has been. That said, I know that the police have always suggested that we report 'suspicious' activity to 911 - it's always best to do this in 'real time' and to include as many details as possible including descriptions of the people involved.

The Just Energy people are still around, going door to door but this sounds like a different approach.


Jodi, this does not sound good.  I wouldn't let anyone in, period.  Did he show a permit?  Have some sort of supposed legitimate identification (with a company)? 

I don''t know if Kris is available to take this on, but by all means, email her.  She has been out quite a while because of an injury to a bad hip.  She would forward your email to Lt. Dearcop and/or Officer and CPO Carl Dickerson.  His email is cd1461@cityofrochester.gov

Next time I'd call 911, or Kris (when she returns).  Carl's number is 428-7156.  Kris, Carl, and the other police officers who are based at the NSC office on Genessee Street can get to your house fast because they are in the neighborhood--that is, if they are not on a call.  Of course 911 is an option.  I don't know who to call first. 

I'd certainly let one of the officers know even at this supposed late date.  Also,  the police emphasize that if something does not feel right, it probably isn't;  better to call and have things checked out by them.  And if the person is OK,  so much the better.  The police much rather have you do that, though you might feel you are wasting their time.  You are not.  Best to you and your family, Bill Nichthauser


It is good to call 911 first to report this sort of thing because if activity levels permit they can get an officer out fast to check on the person to see if they have the proper permit.  Follow that up with a call to the CPO's or Lieutenant at the NSC office.  Carl Dickerson works the afternoon shift with Kris.  Jeff and Joe work the morning to early afternoon shift.  All of them are in and out of the office so the chances are better than even they will be out when you call but leave them a message and ask them the get back to you.


Kris Runyon 428-7635 is out with and injury but you can call:

Day shift CPO's at NSC Office (till ~2:30 pm)

  Jeff Schroeder        428-6970    js0583@cityofrochester.gov
  Joe Trovato        428-6487    jt1339@cityofrochester.gov

Afternoon/Evening shift CPO (Starting ~2:30 or 3:00pm)

  Carl Dickerson        428-7156    cd1461@cityofrochester.gov

Lieutenant (Days)

  Lt. Ray Dearcop         428-9940    rd0172@cityofrochester.gov

Thanks, John, for completing what I left incomplete.


We had someone come by last week asking if we were in default with RG & E. He also stopped by our neighbors houses. I did not think anything of it but now wished I would have done my usual. I keep a camera by the door and if you ring the bell, I hope your ready to have your picture taken. I'll put you on Facebook!! But seriously we should all be concerned about this individual. Don't answer any of his/her questions...Instead You question them. Who do you work for? Let me see some ID. Why do you want ot know? If they try to avoid any of your questions, get there description and call the police.  
Thanks everyone.  There was absolutely no way I was letting anyone into my house.  Particularly since my husband was not home so I was alone with my 2 boys.  After the fact I thought of all the questions I should have asked, I just couldn't think that quickly on my feet (my mind is pre-occupied with my sick 5yr old).  I did email Officer Runyon this morning.  I didn't realize that she is currently out of work.  I'll follow up tomorrow with the other officers.  If there happens to be a next time, and I hope there isn't, I will not hesitate to call 911.

FYI - I mentioned this series of incidents to Lt. Dearcop when I met with him earlier today, and gave him the link so that he could get the details.  I'll let you know if he has any additional recommendations. 


If they are soliciting, they need to have visible ID AND a permit.  Give them no information about any RG&E or other accounts.  If they are selling windows (in this weather? door to door?), they should have information or a brochure that they are willing to give you.  You can call 911 at the time, or if you feel uneasy later, call 311 or the NSC office at 428-7630.  

Thanks, Joan.  This morning I did forward my email that I had sent to Officer Runyon to the other officers in the NET office, including Lt. Dearcop.  About 1.5hrs after it did happen Monday night, I did try calling 311, not realizing that I would get no answer because it was President's Day.  I was thinking that someone answered that number all the time.  The more I think about it, the more I remember that he had no visible id, and did not offer a company name, nor did he even give me his name.  He already had my storm door open when I opened my front door, and I really think that with the way he was eyeing my dog (whose collar I was holding onto), I think the dog possibly prevented this guy from forcing his way into my house.  I'm glad that I did email the officers in the NET office this morning, and I'm also glad that there are so many supportive folks out there.  Whoever created this location19 site is a genius.
Hi All. We had a guy come to our house twice. We live on Trafalgar St on the corner of Rugby. The gentleman coming to our house is a very heavy set man in his mid forties or fifties. I say weighing at least 300lbs. He was trying to sell some type of carpet cleaning. I told him I was not interested our carpets are brand new. He asked if there were any other carpets & I responded no. I saw him walk towards a white unmarked van that was parked just slightly down from our house. He also had a manilla folder in his hand. He never offered a company name, ID badge or a card. I never fully opened my door so he could see in as I have two large pitbull dogs. I do know someone just broke into (or attempted) my neighbor's house across the street on Wednesday April 6th. The same week this gentleman tried to sell me his services. It does sound like there is someone going around casing the houses. We are lucky to have both an alarm system & two dogs who alert us. I think it has kept us from being broken into thus far. I know a couple of our neighbors have been repeatedly broken into. Sounds like a good idea that we report right away. I am interested in starting a block club for Trafalgar/Rugby/Aldine/Woodbine area. Please feel free to email me.


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