From one of the reports:
"Tonight, Rochester police and campus security have strengthened security measures in the area.
It's interesting to note that Rochester City Councilman Adam McFadden for a year and half asked the Rochester Police Departmeny for a plan of how it was going to beef up patrols in this area. News10NBC is told that hasn't happened yet."
It is upsetting that the police have not strengthened security measures for the non-student population of the 19th Ward. I'm glad the author of the article had the courage to mention Mr. McFadden's request.
It is quite odd how police resources are allocated. I work at the new Alexander Park building on Alexander and Monroe. After one of our employees was accosted, one RPD officer has been assigned to a special overtime detail to stand out on the sidewalk in front of our building from about 4 PM to 7 PM everyday for the last few months. While it is nice to have this much police protection at work, I would like to have even a fraction of that where I live.
We have over 22,000 residents in the 19th Ward. Why can't we get sustained police attention on Chili, Thurston or Genesee? We pay more in property tax than just one single company in one building on Monroe.
You will recall when Georgia NeSmith lived here several summers back, we had police and PAC-TAC walking Chili and then Thurston every afternoon. I think this was for two summers, but memory faids. This was a special fund allocated to our area. Did it help? Don't know.
Hopefully this is an isolated incident. I know they have cameras mounted on the bridge. Maybe they will identify and catch them. Perhaps they could post fliers with the photos of the suspects around that area and someone will recognize them and come forward with some information. I have noticed around that time (earlier in the day) a goup of kids walking down Pioneer near GPB ,right in the street, on both sides, you had to drive down the middle to avoid them. Some of these kids are bold and brash and have no sense of other's feelings, or if they do, they don't care.
I am sorry to hear about your incident.
I wonder how many students come to the UofR,.. live across the river, and have no idea how dangerous it can be. I know alot of people have the 'it will never happen to me' syndrome, and they want to be brave,.. and they want to believe that everyone is friendly, and everyone is nice,... but reality hurts. I feel bad for all the victims out there.
Non-student residents? You mean we actually matter?
Good News!
They caught the suspects !!!!
Thanks to someone tipping off the police of strange activity in an abandoned garage on Sawyer St.
Are people really confused about the Trayvon Martin case ???????
Grant, the pics you posted are three thugs. What do they have to do with Trayvon Martin? Where's the confusion? Trayvon walked to a 7-11 in his neighborhood to get candy and got murdered by a thug! Not every black teenager wearing a hoodie is a thug. We just need to keep that in mind. Although, I would certainly prefer that my teenage grandson refrain from wearing that getup, I surely hope no one assumes he's a criminal if he does!
We don't know the facts in that case, only what the media doles out. (which is in the business of sensationalism). There is strong evidence that Zimmerman was jumped and attacked. I believe Zimmerman was trying to do what was best for his community,.. keeping an eye out for out of the ordinary people.
Much like whomever contacted the police about these three thugs milling around in an abandoned garage on Sawyer St. Thank heavens they didn't have the "don't snitch" attitude that is bringing down this community. Everyone should snitch on this kind of activity.
I have seen enough and been involved in enough situations to know that if I see males in hoodies, hats on sideways, and pants hanging half off their butts, there is a very good chance they are not model citizens. Does that mean they are up to no good, of course not, but I would keep an eye on them more than I would a group of older ladies.
Believe me, I have been sucker punched by these elements. (more than once). And if you want to call me racist,... fine. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice,.. shame on me.
If I see anyone dressed like that in my neighborhood, I will keep an eye on them.
That is just being smart.
I would like to believe that everyone is good, and nobody ever hurts anybody,.. you know what,.. that is not real world.
I have been the victim, and know too many people who have been victims of a certain element,.. so please don't tell me how I should behave.
All I know is that Trayvon was unarmed, where he has every right to be, and Zimmerman took his gun, followed him and shot him. I find the stronger evidence to be that Zimmerman was the aggressor. But in the end what matters is that a innocent young man is dead.
As for a "don't snitch" attitude -- last summer there was a gang brawl in front of my house. I called the cops. When they got there I went outside, as did a whole bunch of my neighbors. When the cops got there they asked "who called 911" and at least six of us said "I did". So not only is there not a "no snitching" mentality here, but people are very public about saying they call the cops.
Sounds to me like your experience has left you bitter, and willing to see the worst in people -- and that's a shame.
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Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
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