19th Ward Community Association
Housing Committee
Day Meeting Notes for Posting
September 12, 2012

The Meeting convened at 11:10am.

Present: John B, Marian B, Annie B, Lee K, Toni O, Joan R-D, June R, Donna S

Lee summarized the group’s activities and accomplishments to date. 100 letters have been sent to property owners regarding code violations with some successes. Totes and trash left out before the pick-up period, as well as totes never being properly put away is looking better.

The application for day care at 128 Chili Avenue was denied. The property has been cleaned up and is looking better.

Seven letters for various violations went out to owners of 119 Chili Avenue (which as it turns out is on the foreclosure list).

Toni reviewed the City’s current procedures for violations: Two letters of warning are sent out, followed by tickets. The fine amounts are $25, $35,$65.00. Lee states that information like this is very difficult to get from the City and/or the NET office, and when you do get information, it tends to be inconsistent or contradictory.

Lee and Peter surveyed Kenwood Avenue as a pilot. They provided an edited (short) list to Toni of the worst violations and Toni gave it to the NET office. Bruce Wilder said they were too picky in some cases and missed glaring violations in others. Lee asked Bruce Wilder for clarification, but he stated that he doesn't have an actual list. Marian had some months ago asked him for a similar list, but he said it was in their manual and he would have to make copies. Never heard back from him.

Annie described her efforts in fixing her parents’ house on Sawyer Street. She spoke to David Hawkes about the conditions of other properties on the street, as well as speeding. He says his office is very busy; he also says that money is available for speed bumps. Need clarification on process for acquiring speed bumps.

A question was raised about Illegal posters on poles, etc. Joan recommended taking them down and delivering them to the NET office.

Lee noted that we need to clarify which issues we will report. We started out with a drawing showing all possible violations, but that is an overwhelming job. We also need to do research on status of properties, i.e.; foreclosures are not worth pursuing since owners will not take any action.

Joan: recommended that we notify the City of which properties should be put on the Request for Quote list rather than selling the liens. The City has a form that is submitted to the NET office. (Contact Kathy Sheets in City's Real Estate office (sheetsk@cityofrochester.gov to get on her e-mail list) Joan will e-mail the form to Marian. Unfortunately, the City needs it by the end of the day on Friday (9/14). Examples: 47 Wellington, 335 Aldine corner Woodbine, 281-287 Aberdeen.

Joan: State law now allows municipality to take property owners, including owner-occupied, to court in Rochester City court for persistent code violations. There are very clear steps that the owner must take. County Health Department also has leverage in case of lead exposure to children.

Joan: City's demolition budget is $9 million this year. Contractors with the capability to do demos involving lead and asbestos are the bottleneck at this point.

Annie stated that many people on her street (Aldine & Sawyer) don't know that the 19WCA exists.
June presented data on tote and trash violations for the period Feb-June: 824:

   1st letters - 824
   2nd letters - 428
   1st tickets - 250
   2nd tickets - 182

Lee demonstrated door hangers available from the City for “exceptionally nice” properties.

John reviewed “robo calls” that City may or may not do to announce activities in various locations.

Joan has submitted two proposals: one for facade improvements for Thurston Road and another for home repair grants in partnership with NeighborWorks.

Toni objected to not having had meetings over the summer, and that the decision had been made unilaterally.

We will meet again on Wednesday at 11AM, 9/19

Thereafter, meetings will be held on the following schedule:

  • 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, beginning October 10, 11:00 AM
  • 3rd Thursday evening, beginning September 20, 7:00 PM;
  • Saturday, September 29, and then the 4th Saturday beginning October 27, 10:00 AM.

All meetings will be held at the 19th Ward Community Association office, 216 Thurston Road, 328-6571

Peter is unable to continue as co-chair and Donna has agreed to take on the task.

Marian will make a flyer for Annie to distribute announcing the meeting schedule, above.

Adjourned 12:40 PM

Submitted by Marian B

Views: 53

Replies to This Discussion

After the meeting I looked through our meeting postings on Location19 and the dates chosen as recorded in these notes are problematic and should be reconsidered. 

Having the evening general meeting on the 3rd Thursday conflicts with with the SouthWest Common Council meeting.  Almost all our Housing Committee evening general meetings have been on the 4th Thursday.  We messed up and changed it to the 3rd Thursday once before.  That was the meeting Adam came to.  I only caught the tail end of that meeting after the 6 to 8pm SWCC meeting which I attend let out.

Besides myself not being available on the 3rd Thursday evening, other individuals such as Joan Roby-Davison, Eleanor Coleman, the 19WCA President and usually one of the 19WCA VP's also generally attend the SWCC meetings.

I propose we meet again on Wednesday at 11AM, 9/19 as planned

Thereafter, meetings would be held on the following schedule:

  • 1st and 3th  Wednesdays, beginning October 3, 11:00 AM
  • 4rt Thursday evening, beginning September 27, 7:00 PM 
  • 2nd Saturday beginning October 13, 10:00 AM


Items that have been suggested for the September 19 Meeting that I have received.

  1. Brief introduction of attendees
  2. Tony and June's proposal for code violation procedures
  3. Define projects and project leaders, such as  Totes, Code Violations, Preservation, etc., whatever the group would like to see.
  4. Finalize meeting schedule
  5. New Business


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