Built in 1859, this church may be coming to the end of its days. The new owner wants to raze it and build a dollar store – yes, a dollar store. Imagine what that would do to what is left of the historic character of this part of West Main Street and the Susan B. Anthony Historic District.
West Main Street is in the fragile early stages of a renewal thanks to public and private funding and the efforts of countless volunteers. The loss of this building and its replacement by a dollar store would be a setback that cannot be reversed. The church is significant for the Susan B Anthony Historic District. It’s preservation is crucial to fate of the 1878 Victorian residence next door at 644 West Main, which is currently owner-occupied and would be left in an island of boxy stores and parking lots if this development goes through.
Here is what you can do to help:
1. Write a letter (e-mail is OK where available, snail mail is better) to the following officials at City Hall, 30 Church Street, Rochester NY, 14614:
* Tom Richards, Mayor, Room 307A, info@cityofrochester.gov
* R. Carlos Carballada, Commissioner, Neighborhood & Business Development, Room 223B, carlos.carballada@cityofrochester.gov
* Michael Warfield, Chair, Rochester Preservation Board, Division of Zoning, Room 125B, 428-7238 (no e-mail)
* Marcia Barry, Director, Planning & Zoning, Room 125B, barrym@cityofrochester.gov
2. Attend the Rochester Preservation Board meeting, City Hall Council Chambers (Room 302A) – November 7, 2012, 6:00 P.M. Contact Zina Lagonegro, Sr. City Planner, at 428-7054, if you wish to speak
3. Check the Zoning Board of Appeals web site, http://www.cityofrochester.gov/zoningboard/. The agenda for the November 15 meeting should be posted soon. Look for 660 - 668 W Main Street. If it is not scheduled for November, keep monitoring the web site. When it appears, sign up to speak in favor of preserving the church for community use.
If the church is bulldozed, more than 150 years of history and yet another piece of the character of Southwest Rochester will go with it. Once done, it cannot be undone.
As if we don't have enough "Dollar Stores" in the city and surrounding areas!
City newspaper recently had an article on Preservation Board being totally opposed. For more, go to:http://www.rochestercitynewspaper.com/rochester/board-dollar-store-...
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Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
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