There has been a recent string of burglaries on S Plymouth Ave. Previously this post was dedicated to one specific incident. Due to the feedback we received and its effectiveness... Let's open this discussion up to include ANY AND ALL incidents in the area. Anyone else that would like to contribute information, I encourage you to do so! In the past couple of months we have accumulated a great deal of footage surrounding many of these crimes. Unfortunatley the footage alone doesn't always do the trick. We need to make everyone aware of exactly what is going on in the Community. This process does take some time to put together. One by one i will be compiling the footage and posting it here until these crimes stop. A lot can be learned about how these crimes are committed just by watching them. IT IS TIME TO TURN ON THE LIGHTS!
Here you will find the links to the videos I have compiled:
October 26th 2012 - 1155 S. Plymouth Ave - Theft -
January 29th 2013 - 1199 S. Plymouth Ave - Home Burglary -
February 8th 2013 - 1191 S. Plymouth Ave - Car Burglary -
I also want to give anyone the opportunity to contact me regarding setting up a similar system to watch over their home, business, family, and property. In many cases these systems cost less than $500.00 and take about a day to set-up. Once set-up they are maintenance free and can be accessed from anywhere in the world with the use of your smart phone. Contact me at
It is very simple. If that happened to me, I would pick up the phone and call the person who was under the impression that I took their belongings. To date the individuals have yet to call or large part because they do not want anyone to know who they are. The only reason someone stays in hiding, is that they have something to hide. It seems like we can worry about inappropriate pictures being posted when that actually problem. Until then, I think the more exposure the better.
Joe, common sense would say you are right. However, many lawyers would be out of business if that was the way things worked. In fact, if anyone publishes a photo of someone walking down the street, a public place, and someone suggests they may have committed a crime, lawsuits can arise. The person who posted the photo and the website owner is open for slander. It is different, as Marian says, if the photo is taken on private property. In any case, call 911 and take your photos. If you have photos from security cams, send them to the police. Hope this makes things more clear. And of course, congrats to all involved in alerting police in this case to the identities of those in question. If their pictures were clearer when they were on private property, there may not be a problem with posting. I think Marian is just trying to alert people to this issue.
Marion, please clarify this statement:
And this is important: In order to post pictures on this or any other public forum, the individuals must be on private property when the photo is taken. Pictures taken on public streets, sidewalks, and/or corners can not be used as the sole means of identification, even if you know they have just done a crime nearby. Do send any photos to Lt. Hill.
--> is this some sort of "law"? - or - is Lt. Hill saying that photos taken in 'public' cannot be used to identify possible criminals?
I'm trying to make sense of what is being said here... there have been plenty of photos posted on this site that have been taken on public property - are you saying that we cannot post photos here that were taken on public property??
will appreciate your clarification re: this.
I disagree entirely - I've never committed a crime in my life (barring a couple of speeding tickets!) but if someone posted a pic of me and suggested that I was involved in neighborhood crimes I would be very upset and frankly would consider suing, I do call the police if I see something I think is "wrong" but I don't believe that public slander is a good thing under any circumstances.
I agree with you. slander whether it be public or private is bad under any circumstance. To be clear...What is happening here isn't slander (see definition) This is a statement of fact. - Here is a picture of individuals at a specific location at a specific time. Around that same time in that same vicinity someone entered someones home, went through their stuff and left with whatever they wanted to. A Camera photographed individuals with similar clothes, around the same time, on the property that the crime was committed, leaving with items matching the description of what was stolen.
In general, I believe it’s problematic to post a neutral shot of someone in a public place and accuse him of a crime. However, an image from a security camera that shows him trespassing on private property proves he was somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be and can be legitimate cause for suspicion. In the case Anthony is talking about, he did both: showed a public venue photo in addition to the private property photo in order to show the subject's face more clearly.
At the risk of seeming excessively picky, we're talking about "libel" here, not slander. :~)
You can be sued for anyting at anytime by anyone. The question is whether or not they are likely to win. The photos that were posted are in my opinion appropriate in every way. I will not be more afraid to post the pictures than the criminals are to committ the crime. With all due respect, if the crime happened again, and I had the same pictures, I would post them again....every time. I think it is a mistake to allow the fear of a few misguided lawyers to derail our committment to common sense and pursuit of justice.
I would recommend you post it on YouTube and put the link on Location19. Right now keeping Location19 going is costing us $24.95 a month . That gives us up to 10GB storage. After that I have to start deleting content or go up to the next contract level which will cost us $59.95 a month. The "us" is Marian and me. That is a lot of money for the privileged of working for free as admins. You may notice that most of the pictures I post are greatly reduced in size. A 1.5 MPixel image more than fills a screen, so even if I shoot at 10 or 16 MPixel resolution, I reduce it down to what makes sense posting.
I'm good for 1 month!
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Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
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