Thurston Public Meat Market, 504 Thurston Road, between Sawyer and Enterprise streets, in the former Skip’s Meat Market location, most recently a clothing store. 

Phone: (585) 270-8933 or (585) 406-1135


MapMeat Market

Hours: 9 AM – 7 PM Monday to Saturday, 11 AM to 4 PM Sunday

Owners: Bill Hilan used to have a meat market on Jay St. and butcher, Doug, had worked in another Skip’s.

Comments: Soft opening was May 3rd, with Grand Opening on June 1st.    Bill said they will have three styles of meat: to order, behind the counter, and prepared hot foods and cold subs, as well as fish.  He also carries three types of some groceries:  Goya, a brand name (Canilla,) and generic.  He will have all styles of milk in different sizes, and says if a customer requests something, he will add it.  “Prices will surprise everyone,” he said.  The store will not have beer or cigarettes, but will have Lottery tickets.  They are handle EBT and credit card transactions.  As they get closer to June 1, they will be adding meats, cold cuts, produce, which they did not have on hand , except for some limited availability, when we first visited them May 4th.  Watch for updates!

The Thurston Meat Market at 504 Thurston Rd.

The Thurston Meat Market occupies about 3/4 of the building with a Cricket Store located in the north west corner.

The entrance is on the south side of the building off the parking-lot.  The register and meat preparation area is along the west wall of the building.

Bill Hilan shows us the small selection of meat they had back on May 4th.  I look forward to seeing the selection after the grand opening.

Fast forward to the June 1st Grand Opening above and the deli cooler is fully stocked with cold-cut meats, cheeses and eggs

Looking north from the food prep area we see shelves and coolers along the north wall to the left, freezers located along part of the east wall, and there are refrigerated shelving units along the south wall.  Two shelving units filled with groceries take up the main part of the floor.

Another view looking east toward the freezers, with the refrigerated shelving on the right.

By June 1st the refrigerated shelving was fully stocked with meats.

Also added by June 1st was a fresh produce display which included tomatoes, lemons, peppers, potatoes, onions and cabbage.

In this view above we see the food prep /meat counter area along the west wall in the left half of the picture and the drink coolers along the north wall on the right.

By June 1st their selection of milk included 2% milk.

On the left we see the refrigerated shelving against the south wall and in the right half of the image we see the food prep/meat counter area on the west wall.

A closer look at the West wall with the food prep area behind the checkout counter at (left), hot food display case (center), and deli case (right).  Note the price sheet on the deli case and a close-up of it below.

To the right above, Bill and his staff are checking out one of the last customers of their big June 1st day.

Below is the flier sent out for the Grand Opening.

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Pictures from Opening Day have been added to the discussion above.  Bill Hilan say they had a great turnout. The only hitch was the rain which kept Bill from having a grill outside.  Their meat selection is excellent and prices were are very good.

Nice, John!  Couldn't get the file of the file-flyer.  Where is it?  Looked, and tried below.  Anyway,  I'll have to visit and patronize them for their produce and, yeah, cheese. 

Do you need compass or a map once in the store?  You refer to east and west, etc.  Would a map do?

Hi Bill,

The flier was not put in as a file to open but rather as the pictures following the "Below is the flier sent out for the Grand Opening." statement.

Check out the Thurston Public Meat Market page on Facebook and Like them:

On 9/25/13, when John Boutet and I were walking PAC-TAC, we stopped in at the Thurston Public Meat Market.  We were pleased to see a display of fresh vegetables by the front counter.  There was squash, cabbages, and fresh-picked corn on the cob.  Even some large pumpkins for Halloween!  Good prices, too.

This is very helpful!

I didn't even realize there was a place like this in the neighborhood!

Not a huge meat eater so I wasn't motivated to check it out, but I always need a close place for milk, eggs, veggies, beans etc.

Well done guys, you connected another neighbor to a local business who otherwise would have missed it.

I'll be telling others for sure.



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