SWCC Education Committee
At the Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
929 S Plymouth Avenue
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Meeting convened at 6:30 pm
In Attendance:
Eric Anderson, 19th Ward Resident, President of Wilson Foundation PTA
John Boutet, 19th Ward Resident, Volunteer, Location19.org Manager
Eleanor Coleman, Grandparent (School #10), OACES & ProsperRochester, Inc.
Robin Dettman, Education & Business Organization Development Consultant
Jennifer Lenio, Southern Libraries Coordinator (including Arnett & Wheatley)
Bill Nichthauser, 19th Ward Resident, Volunteer, Oboist
Bruce Pollock, Friends of Educational Excellence
Lori Thomas, Education Advocate, Business Owner
School #16 Planning Update – Video of presentation: http://youtu.be/B4IMqmE3_50
John Boutet, Dan Ross & John Laing were able to meet with Superintendent Bolgan Vargas & Cheif of Operations Mike Schmidt regarding School #16 renovations.
Now in Phase 2; we are in the first wave of 20 schools being addressed. Not sure about School #10 placement on the list. Still waiting for Governor to sign legislation that supplies the money for Phase 2; hoping this gets done by December. It will then take 6-8 weeks for contracts to actually be drawn up.
Looks like it will take 18 months for architectural work to be completed. Fall of 2017 before they break ground. Work to be completed in 12-18 months after that.
They seem to be supporting neighborhood schools, especially because of the cost of busing. We were told we can define the feeder pattern for School 16. They say they would like to see neighborhoods take a more active role in managing the school.
Short distance busing: Looking at next year to have legislation approved.
Suggestion – open schools earlier so parents can drop their children off.
Could neighborhood schools increase the segregation that already exists?
Segregation occurs now when parents can opt to bus their children to schools of choice.
Vision is to work on diverse neighborhoods now so that neighborhood schools would be naturally diverse.
Need to be clear on difference between a “community” school (ties to the community, provides services) to which Cuomo refers vs “neighborhood schools” (students attend nearest school).
Suggestion: Form “Quadrant” community schools. Is there room for both? Need to be clear on the definition first.
Safety Nets have been developed based on needs of youth & families on a Quadrant basis.
It was suggested we visit School #28 where renovations have been completed.
Video has been posted that talks about OACES resources (adult technical education & GED) that could be provided to parents of School #16.
What is the future for School #44? Kindergarten was removed; now, grades 1-6.
AQE/Metro Justice Education Committee Meeting – Video: http://youtu.be/n8dpQPjuUFQ
No Rochester funding for AQE (Alliance for Quality Education) for a long time. Rosemary assigned to several locations (Buffalo, Syracuse, Binghamton, etc.).
Recently, most progressive Code of Conduct passed in Buffalo.
Bread & butter issue: Education Finance Reform. Large success in 2007 – $7 billion for education; all moving in the right direction for a couple of years. Then, recession eliminated the resources; now we are pre at 2007 levels. New lawsuit by Charter Schools arguing “equity of funding.”
Funding necessary for all kids to succeed; issue is, “how will money be used?”
Rosemary’s recent visit to Ferguson revealed that “education” is at the root of of problem.
What do we need the money for: books, computers, computer management, etc. What will help public education? Parents want safety and an environment conducive to learning.
In Buffalo - one student every 3 minutes of the school year is suspended; predominantly Af. Amer. & Puerto Rican. Being pushed out of school is the beginning of the Pipeline to Prison. Change occurred because parents got involved. Resulted in the Advancement Project.
To support Rochester, Rosemary has formed AQE/Metro Justice Committee as a volunteer; successful in mobilizing supporters to go to Albany around education funding. Focusing now on getting a FT organizer on the ground to pursue education issues.
Success: MOU with RCSD to hire competent staff to bring Buffalo’s Advancement Project into Rochester. Raw data on disciplinary suspension is being gathered to provide a report to the community. Looking for “patterns” and stories from children who have been suspended. Where do we stand and where do we need to go?
Currently addressing the lawsuit regarding Charter School complaint of unequal funding. It was noted that a large number of Charter schools are failing. Interesting that Charter Schools are complaining about inadequate funding when that has been the cry of public schools for years.
Campaign for Fiscal Education (CFE) has the formulas for distributing funds.
Need to know where legislators stand on support for Charter Schools.
Success: Obstructing the lawsuit by Campbell Brown claiming that teacher tenure is unconstitutional; not valid - tenure only guarantees due process.
Asking for stories on children who have been suspended.
The Dream Tank – Lori Thomas – Video of presentation: http://youtu.be/q6sU1M8Utt8
Proposed new business hoping to secure 800 E. Main St. DiMarco working on securing landmark status. Current purpose is to provide apartments for senior living; there are other unoccupied apartment buildings close by; male and female efficiency apartments, an education building, a restaurant and a business office.
For-profit business working with recently released youth or dislocated youth.
First priority is to secure the building.
Residents will be 6 males and 6 females who become partners in the business; learn how to become entrepreneurs and productive members of the city. Ages 16-25.
Perfect location because it keeps youth together, but away from old neighborhood settings that draw them back to negative influences. Less barriers because the resources are close by and on a bus line.
Youth are required to get his/her HS Diploma (not GED); must pay rent & have a job.
Restaurant will serve a variety of cultural meals. Host “cook-offs.”
Asking for Letters of Support, which can also be sent via website.
Funding: Federal grants for working with disconnected youth; small business grants especially women & minority.
Robin recommended that Lori get connected to the county-wide Reengagement Task Force.
Spin-off idea: indoor/outdoor family bike park.
SW Libraries - Jennifer Lenio
Library offering wide variety innovative programming.
Hoping to secure a “book bike” to bring books to festivals and other events.
Jennifer will get electronic copy of list of September programs to Eleanor who will distribute them through the SW Community Roundtable list.
Friends of Educational Excellence Partnerships – Bruce Pollock
Website presence – Education Excel; www.educationexcel.org
Volunteer application online; also keeps record of volunteer time.
School must have a Partnership Leader/Volunteer Coordinator; #10 already has the Rochester Engineering Society as a partner. The 19th Ward Community Association has partnered to provide volunteers for the other 3 schools in the 19th Ward. John Lang committed to be the Volunteer Coordinator for #29, #16 and #44. Bruce recommending only one school per Volunteer Coordinator.
Lori suggested going to School #44 and asking if there is a parent interested.
Need a Volunteer Coordinator for School #29. Contact John Laing at 235-5236 or jlaing1@rochester.rr.com.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Minutes submitted by Eleanor Coleman
Past meeting minutes can be found in www.Location19.org in the SW Education Forum located at http://www.location19.org/group/sw-education-forum
Our next meeting will be October 15, 2014 at 6:30pm at the Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, 929 South Plymouth. Map: Link
We are talking about 2019 for possible completion of School 16 renovations? Seems like they will be able to rebuild Midtown Towers in less time than that. What's wrong with this picture? And unfortunately, seems like nothing we can do to speed it up.
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These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.
19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living
To report animal cruelty, call 911 or THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500
City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats
Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats
PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services
City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
City of Rochester Property Information
Zillow listed homes for sale
John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25
Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large
LaShay D. Harris, South District
SouthWest Tribune
Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp
WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM
WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership 88.5 FM
El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)
Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester
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