Haven't had a discussion on location 19 before... so I thought that the ball fields (by the river near the bridge) were supposed to be upgraded. All I see is this new road??? - and don't know why it is there and that the ball fields are filled with water. Please someone let me know, have I missed something?? thanks
Good morning Donna. As president of Genesee Valley Little League, I think I can give you a little information. We have been following the so called Master Plan and have been trying to have some input to the proposal with regards to the field in that location and ball fields in general at Genesee Valley Park. When the work their started we thought the ball fields were gone. However, at least at this point, only the road has been constructed to and from Staybridge. Two things have happened, one the fields have been untouched with regard to the water drainage problems and two, THE FIELDS ARE NOW TO SHORT!! THIS HAS RENDERED THEM USELESS TO US ACCEPT FOR T-BALL. Mr. Norman Jones, Commissioner of Environmental Services for the city of Rochester is working on the field shortening problem but it's not clear what the outcome will be. With regard to the standing water problem, I don't think the city is willing to invest the money that would be necessary to solve the problem. Genesee Valley Little League has made a great comeback and it would be great to have those two extra fields available for play during the 2016 playing season. We remain hopeful but it doesn't look good. That's kind of a quick synopsis of the problem. i'm continuing to speak with Mr. Jones. he is very supportive of what we are doing with the Little League. time will tell I suppose.
Larry Floyd
President, Genesee Valley Little League
the fields are SHORT and - the road/sidewalk now drains down toward the fields making the water issue worse than ever as far as I can tell. In other words, the "upgrades" the city made to that road appears to have made the baseball field completely unusable! What a shame. The other ball fields at the park (other side of 390) have been neglected for a long time but any given week in the summer the open, grassy areas are being used by young adult kick ball leagues.
What I cannot figure out is why these "upgrades" were made to create a two-drive system into Staybridge, an empty feeder into nowhere. There was nothing wrong with the old road. Can anyone explain? And now we have all kinds of paved trails in that area, apparently for the river trail. Meanwhile access for the road is still blocked off. How convenient is that? What is the purpose?
Now that the road is open, it is one-way, from Staybridge parking lot to Elmwood. The two-drive split road is into the park, and ends right about a little bit in. This is fine, I suppose, but found the lack of information less impressive. I used the old road frequently. Guess that's what they wanted to prevent. No matter. Just weird.
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