A meeting was called for January 11, 2016 from 4 to 6pm at the 1872 Cafe to review the by-laws to see if any changes needed to be made in preparation for the selection of new Co-Chairs for the SWCC.  The terms of Co-Chairs Dawn Noto of Susan B Anthony NA and Gloria Edmonds of PLEX are drawing to a close after 4 years of service.

The meeting was videoed so there would be no misunderstandings of what was said. The 4 camera files were spliced together and uploaded to YouTube at this Link: https://youtu.be/fHwAccsJlSs.

Dawn Noto recorded the changes agreed on for the By-Laws and sent out an updated document with the changes shown in red later that evening: SWCC ByLaws with 011116 revisions.doc.

Views: 183

Replies to This Discussion

I'm not sure if these by-laws are a done deal or if they will be presented to all members for their opinions.  I see a contradiction in the of objectives and who the SWCC members are.  In objectives of SWCC, the council seeks out the involvement of residents, block clubs, businesses,faith based groups etc., yet there are two types of members. Voting and non-voting.  If residents, block clubs etc are going to invest their time to be a part of an association they should have earned the right to have a say of what happens in their community.  Of course their attendance record is what determines their eligibility to vote.  

In a time when it is so difficult to engage people in their community and even get people to attend meetings, those people that consistently do attend have earned the right to be a voting voice in their community. In attending the SWCC meetings there have been voting members did not consistently attend the meetings yet those that consistently attend do not have a vote.That really does not make sense! The strength of an organization comes from the people that are willing to attend and become involved. 

In ending, obviously there was a need to review and change the by-laws, perhaps it's a time for the by-laws to reflect a connection between objectives (involvement of community) and voting rights.


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