19th Ward Community Cats


19th Ward Community Cats

This group is for 19th Ward residents who are concerned about the plight of stray, feral, and abandoned cats in our neighborhood.  It is our goal to live in a community where all cats are treated humanely and cats and humans live in harmony.

Location: Rochester
Members: 41
Latest Activity: Aug 5, 2021

Please don't litter! Spay and neuter!

Please check out our Facebook page:


That is where most of our communication is happening right now.  You may also contact us via the 19th Ward Community Association at 328-6571 to get on our email list.

19th Ward Community Cats was hard at work in 2015!!!  In 2015, we were able to spay/neuter 287 free roaming cats in the 19th Ward as part of the City Kitty project.  They were also vaccinated,  and treated for fleas, worms, and parasites.  That's 287 outdoor cats who've received vet care and will no longer be reproducing on our streets or be vulnerable to disease!  Approximately 80 of those cats/kittens were placed for adoption with our City Kitty partner, Four-Legged Friends Animal Adoptions, Inc., and they're now in loving forever homes- off the streets entirely!  Members of this group and colony caretakers volunteer their time and bear the financial burden for much of this work.  If you'd like make a financial contribution to this group please take or mail your donation to the 19th Ward Community Association Office, 216 Thurston Road.  Every dollar is spent on vet care for our community cats.  If you'd like to help in any other way, please let us know!  Thank you!!

Discussion Forum

News from Community Cats

Started by Mark Sweetland Jan 29, 2020. 0 Replies

Tough Winter for Cats! Help!

Started by Mark Sweetland Jan 23, 2018. 0 Replies

Found on Aldine Street

Started by Kathleen M. Glennon Aug 1, 2015. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of 19th Ward Community Cats to add comments!

Comment by Marian Boutet on November 11, 2009 at 8:29pm
The next meeting will be Sunday, November 15, 2:00 pm at the 19th Ward Community Association office, 216 Thurston Road.

We'll discuss having an internet presence, a PayPal account for accepting donations, and continue planning for a spay/neuter event in the Spring.
Comment by Heidi on November 6, 2009 at 9:11pm
Thank you, Inge!
Comment by Inge Mallory on November 6, 2009 at 8:03pm
PAN stands for Pet Adoption Network. They are a no kill rescue group. They came to my rescue when I could get no one to respond to my pleas for help when I was feeding all the cats & kittens on Dunbar St. Like all the shelters and foster homes they are stretched to their limit and a touch beyond with rescued cats and kittens right now. Very few adoptions are taking place from what I hear.
There are two halves of a dog crate with fresh hay/straw in side and plastic over the top on the porch of the empty house where I feed my feral cats. This will be the second winter they are there and I don't think I have ever seen a cat use them. My ferals also seem to appear out of nowhere when I come to feed them. When I have been there during the day they are nowhere in sight.
I went from having two cats to having five when I got involved with PAN. I took one calico kitten in because she was so cute & I had recently lost a calico and two of them were from Dunbar St and were supposed to be fostered until they were socialized enough where they could be brought to the Center on Culver Rd on weekends to be seen by people looking to adopt. I've fallen so in love with them I can't let them go. All five of my guys get along extremely well. Much better than I ever imagined. Here is the link for PAN.
I wish I had a solution for you. I'm sort of in the same situation with my feral cats.
Comment by Inge Mallory on November 6, 2009 at 7:30pm
Laura ,
Thank you for your efforts. I'm so glad to read someone went and picked the sweetie up from RAS. I too emailed and got no response. That maybe because he was already rescued. I continue to hold onto my hope that Sammy is out there and doing OK.
Comment by Alice Carli on November 6, 2009 at 12:24pm
I'm just happy the cat was rescued!
Comment by Laura Burns on November 6, 2009 at 11:56am
Hi Inge,
Someone in Habitat had a colony closer than yours (Genesee St) that was also missing an orange cat. She got the cat from RAS, yesterday. Thanks for responding, sorry for the disappointment.
Comment by Laura Burns on November 6, 2009 at 8:35am
Hi Inge, I called and left a message, also send an email to the shelter manager referenced below. I hope it's not too late for him. Today would be his 8th day if he came in a week ago Friday.
Comment by Heidi on November 6, 2009 at 8:26am
Inge, what is PAN? I have an incredibly sweet, good-natured little female (maybe about 19 months old) who we trapped and spayed this summer. She has gone from being extremely stealth and nearly invisible (in fact, after her spay surgery, I worried about her because i didn't see any glimpse ANYWHERE of her for the longest time) to one who now wraps herself around my legs when I feed her. I can also pet her, scratch behind her ears, etc. and she purrs and purrs. (Sometimes if my hand comes from too high above, she does still flinch but I consider the fact that I'm even touching her at this point amazing!)

My concern is while I have shelter prepared in my garage, she doesn't seem to venture in there (fear of other animals?) and I do not know where she goes at night. She always come from/through my immediate neighbor's yard and I know he has nothing in the yard, no access to the garage, to protect her so ... I was wondering what it would take to get her fostered/adopted? Is there hope? I'd of course consider bringing her in myself except I not only already have 5 indoor cats but the last one very recently joined us and we're STILL working out "issues"!

If anyone has any advice, as always, I would so greatly appreciate it!

P.S. Laura, this is the cat you helped me trap -- the black, grey, and white mackeral tabby!
Comment by Inge Mallory on November 6, 2009 at 6:28am
I thought it was kind of far too. I really miss Sammy , he's one of my three regular feeders in a colony now down to five. At one time there were 21 cats & kittens but thanks to PAN all but my current 4 are adopted or in foster homes. I spent time looking around the neighborhood when Sammy first went missing in September but no luck. I still hold hope of finding him alive. I've never dealt with RAS. It would be very nice if you could contact them and let me know. I'm leaving my office number here maybe we could chat. 753-6494 I'm there 8 - 4
Thanks so much for your offer.
Comment by Laura Burns on November 6, 2009 at 2:24am
Well... :) it seems like kind of far from Shelter St, but that sounds really good! Maybe he got chased off by another male... Do you want to call RAS and see if the cat answers your description? Or, would you like me to?

Members (40)


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Information Links

These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.


19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living



To report animal cruelty, call 911 or  THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500

City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats

Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats

PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services

City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat

Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County 




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