19th Ward Community Cats


19th Ward Community Cats

This group is for 19th Ward residents who are concerned about the plight of stray, feral, and abandoned cats in our neighborhood.  It is our goal to live in a community where all cats are treated humanely and cats and humans live in harmony.

Location: Rochester
Members: 41
Latest Activity: Aug 5, 2021

Please don't litter! Spay and neuter!

Please check out our Facebook page:


That is where most of our communication is happening right now.  You may also contact us via the 19th Ward Community Association at 328-6571 to get on our email list.

19th Ward Community Cats was hard at work in 2015!!!  In 2015, we were able to spay/neuter 287 free roaming cats in the 19th Ward as part of the City Kitty project.  They were also vaccinated,  and treated for fleas, worms, and parasites.  That's 287 outdoor cats who've received vet care and will no longer be reproducing on our streets or be vulnerable to disease!  Approximately 80 of those cats/kittens were placed for adoption with our City Kitty partner, Four-Legged Friends Animal Adoptions, Inc., and they're now in loving forever homes- off the streets entirely!  Members of this group and colony caretakers volunteer their time and bear the financial burden for much of this work.  If you'd like make a financial contribution to this group please take or mail your donation to the 19th Ward Community Association Office, 216 Thurston Road.  Every dollar is spent on vet care for our community cats.  If you'd like to help in any other way, please let us know!  Thank you!!

Discussion Forum

News from Community Cats

Started by Mark Sweetland Jan 29, 2020. 0 Replies

Tough Winter for Cats! Help!

Started by Mark Sweetland Jan 23, 2018. 0 Replies

Found on Aldine Street

Started by Kathleen M. Glennon Aug 1, 2015. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of 19th Ward Community Cats to add comments!

Comment by Margy Meath on November 2, 2010 at 6:46pm
Kudos to Sheri, Robin and Kristi for going WAY above and beyond to care for orange julce! Sheri has provided amazing care for this cat and Robin and Kristi have helped out- emotionally, financially, transportation to/from the vet, etc..
Like Sheri, I am outraged that this cat was injured by gunfire!!! It takes the lowest of low lifes to intentionally harm an innocent animal and I can only assume that the injury was intentional as I don't think that the ferals would be 'in the line of fire'.
An interesting twist re: Orange Juice- her son (O.Joe) was injured this summer - we don't know exactly how it happened but he suffered a significant tail injury and disappeared for a while. About 2 weeks later, he was back on the scene minus his tail but looking pretty beat up. We monitored it the best we could (binoculars to get a good look). It was really clear that trapping him would be near impossible so we hoped for the best. Well, a few months later, O-Joe is completely tail-less BUT walking well, running when he needs to and able to jump, etc. While he was recovering, the other ferals allowed him to eat first and had a clear sense that something was 'wrong' - now, he's just one of the guys and seems to be doing great. We're hoping his mom recovers just as well!
Comment by Inge Mallory on November 2, 2010 at 10:01am
That is horrible. I'm happy to read the baby is doing better and expects to recover. I constantly worry about my feral colony. When they don't show up for meals I fear the worst. Does the RPD care about injuries to pets?
Comment by Inge Mallory on October 31, 2010 at 3:09pm
Hi Cat Caretakers,
Week nights are not really good for me but let me know what the majority decides & I'll try to be there. I get the feeling everyone is continuing to do their own thing to care for the cats in their area.
There hasn't been much sharing on this page recently.
I have been quite sick the last 3 weeks so I've done little more than feed my charges every morning and drag myself to work. I still need to try to get them some type of winter cover, before the snow begins in ernest, that they may or may not use.
Comment by Alice Carli on October 26, 2010 at 6:44pm
Hello all,

I'm sorry I've been out of touch for the past several weeks! It's high time we got back into gear.

I can start with one piece of great news: I just got a message from Angela today that she has a working Paypal button for us! We can add the piece of code to whatever sites we like (we can start with the Location 19 page!).

I would still like to get some winter cat shelters made, but it will take both gathering materials AND people with carentry tool and skills.

This Sunday is Halloween, and next weekend I'm not available myself. Shall we try gathering (which I think will be important for regaining our impetus) on another day than Sunday? Perhaps at Boulder Coffee while we still have the chance? What do people think?
Comment by Marcy Lloyd on September 28, 2010 at 8:11pm
I have a trap, if needed.
Comment by Heidi on September 28, 2010 at 4:34pm
I don't know what's up with me, my computer, and/or location 19 but just wanted to respond to Marian that yes, I can help with loan of trap and funds. Can you email me with more specific details? I don't have your email but I know Alice has us both!
Comment by Ron Salladin on September 11, 2010 at 2:21pm
There are photos of a female cat who looks similar to Peaches posted by the Animal Service League on their Facebook page. Their web site has contact information.
Comment by Alice Carli on September 9, 2010 at 7:50pm

As I said to Heidi this afternoon when she asked about the shelter building day originally scheduled for this Sunday. Our summer meetings had very low attendance, and the four of us at the last one agreed that we were nowhere near ready for an event in September. We pushed it back to October at that meeting -- but I see I forgot to mention that rather important point in the note I sent round about it!

Mea culpa. It's been a busy time for me with way too many things besides cats.

Meanwhile, 2 pm this Sunday will be a difficult time for me to meet, as it turns out with my family plans.

I'm sorry this has been limping along at such a slow pace, but I guess that's the way of summer. Could we think about moving 9/12 meeting up a little -- not a lot, since a lot still needs to be done if we are to have a shelter event this fall, which I would very much like to do before the weather gets seriously cold.

What do people think?

Comment by Marian Boutet on September 6, 2010 at 4:47pm
Hello All,

Have you seen this kitty?

Her name is Peaches, and she was last seen around August 26th in the Aberdeen Street area. She's a small female with an orange/black/gray tortoiseshell short coat. She is spayed, but not de-clawed. Please call if you have seen her: 683-3262.

Thanks so much
Comment by Alice Carli on August 31, 2010 at 10:20am
This came to me just now from Laura Burns; Fairview is by Thurston, below Brooks. So keep an eye out!
Received a call from a young women this am re her lost cat from 2
weeks ago. She lives at 179 Fairview in Rochester, tel
413-885-3789. He's a male cat with the name Princess, don't ask.
He's a basically white cat with orange-brown tabby markings on tail
and? body and a brown spot on his nose. I have no idea where this is
or why she called in Clifton, but he maybe some of you feed colonies
in the area. Bobbie

Members (40)


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Information Links

These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.


19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living



To report animal cruelty, call 911 or  THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500

City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats

Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats

PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services

City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat

Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County 




City of Rochester Property Information

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Arnett Public Library

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UR Gov. & Community Relations


Rochester Prep Charter School

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El Latino Restaurant
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