  • 54, Male
  • Rochester (19th Ward), NY
  • United States
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Shawn's Friends

  • Liesel Schwarz
  • Katrina Hanson Rex
  • Willie Lightfoot
  • Ang
  • John Boutet
  • Nora Herbert
  • Dennis Smith
  • Stacey Fisher
  • Inge Mallory
  • Roxie Sinkler
  • Shawn Koolaid Brown
  • Hilary Homer
  • Stephen Burrows
  • Molly Bradstreet
  • libby

Shawn's Groups

Shawn's Discussions

Fire at 3 Penhurst Street

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cheryl Bertou Jun 3, 2010. 1 Reply

Location19 Hosting

Started this discussion. Last reply by Marian Boutet May 20, 2010. 8 Replies


Shawns Page

Latest Activity

Mark Sweetland commented on Shawn's blog post Coming Home!
"Shawn, Are you around?  Drop me a note.  How is Anthony?  Did you move back?  Don't be a stranger!  You had a lot of friends here."
Nov 14, 2016
Shawn joined John Boutet's group

SWCC Communications Committee

The Communications Committee of the SW Common Council has the goal of improving communications between community residents, neighborhood organizations and agencies to promote transparency and cooperation in Rochester's SouthWest Quadrant and to build community capacity.See More
Mar 6, 2016
Shawn joined John Boutet's group

Our Neighborhood Merchants

The objective of this group is to introduce residents of the SW Quadrant to the businesses in their community with the hope that if they are more aware of them they will patronize them more.  We also want to encourage business owners to adapt the the goods and services they offer to serve the needs of a broadened clientele.See More
Mar 6, 2016
Shawn joined Jeremy Coleman's group

Voting awareness

I wanted to create a group to talk about things that are happening that affect us politically.  I think we all need to be smart and active voters, and i hope that starting this group will help to facilitate that for the south west.  This group is about sharing opinions and ideas.  Its good to share feelings about the elected officials who represent us, but this really isn't the place to campaign for someone or flat out lambast the people you dislike.The more active and aware we are in regards…See More
Mar 6, 2016
Shawn joined John Boutet's group

SW Education Forum

This group is intended for use as a forum for discussing Education topics of interest to our SW Rochester community and for organizing information on our public schools, the RCSD and other education topics.See More
Mar 6, 2016
Shawn joined Marian Boutet's group
Mar 6, 2016
Mark Sweetland commented on Shawn's blog post Coming Home!
"Shawn and Ant... welcome back!  We missed you.  Let's get together for lunch.   Glad you came home!"
Jul 12, 2014
Shawn posted a blog post

Coming Home!

Hi South Westerners, and Location 19er's! For those of you that remember us, Anthony and I are returning! After four years away from Rochester,  we have decided to come "home". I have accepted a wonderful job in Fairport, and we will be back in the city by the end of July. Currently I am staying with a friend in the Beechwood neighborhood, and Anthony is still in Binghamton until we move. Anthony is doing better, but stills manages with extreme pain throughout the day from his condition. He was…See More
Jul 11, 2014

Profile Information

Do you live in Rochester's SouthWest Quadrant?
Not currently.
What Street (and location if not in the Quadrant)?
Lake Ave
Do you rent or own?

Shawn's Videos

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Shawn's Blog

Coming Home!

Posted on July 11, 2014 at 12:30pm 2 Comments

Hi South Westerners, and Location 19er's! 

For those of you that remember us, Anthony and I are returning! After four years away from Rochester,  we have decided to come "home". I have accepted a wonderful job in Fairport, and we will be back in the city by the end of July. Currently I am staying with a friend in the Beechwood neighborhood, and Anthony is still in Binghamton until we move. 

Anthony is doing better, but stills manages with extreme pain throughout…


A message from Shawn

Posted on August 9, 2010 at 6:14pm 4 Comments

Hey Location19er's! I just wanted to give you all an update as to what and where Anthony and I are up to. Many of you may remember that Anthony was not feeling well as we were planning our move out to Seattle in June. Well about 2 weeks before we were to drive across country he took a turn for the worse. We ended up moving to Binghamton NY where we have been staying with family for the last month and a half.

Anthony is doing better, due to medication, but is still in pain, and can not… Continue

A Message from Shawn about Location19

Posted on April 17, 2010 at 12:45pm 9 Comments

Dear Location19 members,

I have been worrying about how to tell you all this for sometime, and as many of you have noticed, Anthony and I

have listed our house for sale. I will be graduating at the end of May,

and for employment and educational reasons, we have decided that we

will be relocating to Seattle, WA this summer.

This was a hard decision to make, and we have been debating the idea since I started

school in 2006. But as you may know, the economy… Continue

Help for the Sullivans

Posted on December 16, 2009 at 4:24pm 0 Comments

*Just a note -- Patricia Hagerman has donated a laptop for the Sullivans to use at the hospital, so we can strike that from the list. Thanks, Patricia!*

Ann Marshall, Heather Adams, Mary Ann Brody and Lisa Norwood have worked out a plan for food delivery for the Sullivan family -- see below....

Dear friends, neighbors, and colleagues,

For those of you who are preparing meals for the Sullivans, we wanted to offer one way to do this. If you'd like, we are encouraging… Continue

Thoughts and Prayers for Bill Sullivan

Posted on December 15, 2009 at 1:38pm 1 Comment

From the 19th Ward Community Association:

"Hello friends,

As many of you already know, Bill Sullivan (son of Barb & Bill, husband to Juliet and father to daughters Molly & Josie) suffered a massive hemorrhage in his brain early yesterday morning. He has survived surgery to relieve the pressure and this morning has shown a couple of small but encouraging signs of responsiveness. His condition is still quite grave, however, and the family would like their friends and… Continue

Comment Wall (36 comments)

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At 9:37am on October 27, 2009, Laura Burns said…
thanks, Shawn. This is such a cool site!
At 4:51pm on October 26, 2009, Craig Woodward said…
Hey. :) Yeah, Penhurst had a block club with lots of active members for several years. When I first moved in (back in '98) it was going through an up-swing, reaching it's height in 2001. From 2002 through 2004 it decreased from about 25 active members down to about 5. Seems to wax and wane based on how upset people are about crime/drugs on or near Penhurst. The 99/2000 swing was a direct result of crack sales on Thurston, and the resulting robberies, vandalism, and garbage flowing down our street from there. After the '02 crime initiative that focused on cleaning up Thurston, the group slowly fell apart, as people became less involved.

I would love to catch you up on the history of the block club. I have lots of documentation, pictures, etc. :)
At 6:02pm on October 23, 2009, Howard Ressel said…
Cool. This is even formatted for my iPod touch.
At 8:54am on October 23, 2009, Mary R. Larkin said…
yes, that was me. You have a good memory. I look forward to see you and Anthony at future 19th Ward events.
At 8:42pm on October 22, 2009, Creacy A. Clowers-Coleman said…
Thank you , Shawn, for having me as a member. I look forward to being an active participant of this online community.
At 10:35pm on October 20, 2009, Glenn Cerosaletti said…
Hi Shawn, Thanks for your message. As you surely know, the 19th Ward has a rich history of interaction with the UR, and I am working to build upon that through events such as the Brooks Landing Barbecue, and through established initiatives such as Wilson Day and the Rochester Urban Fellowship. I'm open to new ideas, too. Glad to make your acquaintance!
At 7:12pm on October 19, 2009, Susan Morehouse said…
Hi, Shawn, I tried to enter our group and had difficulty. Perhaps you can assist me. We meet once a month the fourth Tuesday at 5:30 pm at 350 Arnett Blvd. Our next meeting is next week. I will ask my husband to assist me-he is more savy with this stuff. Susan
At 7:10pm on October 19, 2009, Susan Morehouse said…
Hi, Shawn,
At 4:44pm on October 18, 2009, Marcy Lloyd said…
Thank you for setting this up. What a great way to start revitalizing the Ward and providing a place to tie together all the various people and groups and keep us connected.
At 9:21pm on October 1, 2009, Nan Meyer said…
Did a lot of improvements to the interior of my home this year, plan on working on the outside next year. The poor yard is in need of some TLC

SW Merchants

Information Links

These links plus others can also be found under the Links tab.


19th Ward Community Association
Rochester City Living



To report animal cruelty, call 911 or  THE ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE: (585) 223-6500

City of Rochester Low-income Spay/Neuter for pet Dogs and Cats

Rochester Community Animal Clinic - low-income spay/neuter for pet dogs and cats, and feral cats

PAWS, Inc.Providing Animal Welfare Services

City of Rochester Adopt a Dog or Cat

Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County 



City of Rochester Property Information

Rochester City Living

Trulia Listed Homes For Sale

UR Home Ownership Program

Zillow listed homes for sale


Arnett Public Library

Brooks Landing

City of Rochester 

John Lightfoot, Monroe County Legislator,District 25

Loretta Scott, City Council President, At Large

LaShay D. Harris, South District

Genesee Valley Park

Metro Justice

RGRTA Bus Information

Minority Reporter

SouthWest Tribune

Rochester Green Living


Sector 4 Comm. Developmant Corp

Savor Life Radio Show

Teen Empowerment

WDKX Urban contemporary 103.9 FM

WRUR 88.5 UR and WXXI partnership  88.5 FM

Southwest Family YMCA

UR Gov. & Community Relations


Rochester Prep Charter School

U.S. Dept. of Education



St. Monica Church


El Latino Restaurant
D and L Groceries
Hand Crafted Wrought Iron
Jim Dalberth Sports
Menezes Pizza
TOPS Friendly Markets
Staybridge Suites


Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning (CPLP)

Dealing with Lead
Drug Activity
Healthy Blocks
HEAP NY Home Heating Assistant
Home Safety Tips    LifeTimesAdultDay Health Care
NeighborWorks Rochester
Parking / Abandoned Vehicles
2-1-1 Social Services
ACT Rochester


Genesee Co-op FCU

3/50 Project

South Wedge Ning

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